Savannah & Troy

I believe it’s elisha turn for mikl

Yes making up

I have an idea that Kostja also discovered the blue pill

as a matter of fact that crossed my mind too. His improvement lately.

But what the heck, as long as Indira gets what she needs.

Oh come on. These are all healthy young Russian men. They eat healthy stuff and work out. And they are surrounded by beautiful willing young women. No blue pills needed imho.

Any news about Zoja yet? Wouldn’t have minded a threesome.

I’ve never seen one work out indoors, nor have I seen it leave in sportswear. :innocent:


I see them work out all the time. In bed.

That’s what you call sports, :beers: Oh yes, I still haven’t been bitten by Mira,the Mummy :rofl:

that is max gymnastics :rofl:

It is! It can get you injuries as well.

like you can get injured tripping over the hose of the vaporizer. LOL

But yes, it can be exhausting.

what happened to Zoja

Last seen leaving with Palmer at 10:03 this morning, probably dead of boredom by now!

yet another round Kostja is improving,…from all the workout off course. :rofl:

somewhere in the stairway with b___ding ears

No one around to interfere with them today!

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and noone in the appartment to avoid noise from.

maybe Kostja wants her snatch to hurt, so she doesn’t want to swing