Savannah & Troy

Got me there…

I don’t know whether anyone else has noticed, be it here, or at M & H’s or M & M’s, but Kostja smoke’s a LOT! I realise everyone else smokes, but he’s another level.

Welcome to Russia :joy:

Earlier on I just put it down to nerves.

i feel hes nervous in a crowd but seems ok when theres the 4 of them

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Mans just likes to smoke and fuck. The two tend to go hand and hand. The constant a_____l and parties prob doesn’t help though hah

I have asked the same question about smoking directly to some Russian users and participants since that seems to be a more pertinent perspective.

I was told that it is simply the culture there. Guys serve in the military early and they all smoke. I was told that many already smoked before serving. Both guys and girls apparently start smoking as teens. That seemed to be the consensus.

While I also notice the smoking in these apartments, I’m not sure I’m in the right geographic location to say anything.

I grew up in California where it has been illegal to smoke indoors for my entire life. I know there is a regulation in California where a driver can be ticketed for smoking inside a car when a minor c___d (under 18) is also inside. Parts of California have tried to ban sales of flavored tobacco and hookah tobacco in an effort to outlaw vaping and hookah smoking. I’m not sure that has worked but I don’t know. Most university campuses are completely smoke-free; California schools do not even allow smoking outside.

Then there is Florida, where I currently live.

It was still legal to smoke inside restaurants when I moved here in 2002. I remember how shocked I was when I arrived and I was asked if I wanted to be in the smoking or non-smoking section. Bars still allowed smoking for years after that.

There were 50 people in my first-year law school section. At one point I counted those who I had seen smoke at school or at parties…24 of them.

Kids mostly stopped trying to buy regular cigarettes here years ago but vaping is everywhere. I’m not sure how kids get their hands on the stuff but they don’t seem to have any problem.

well; it’s a little bit short ! :rofl: :rofl:

Short attention span, Froggy? :rofl: :wink: :kissing_heart:

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Besides culture, cost is probably another large factor. It’s a lot easier to buy a pack for $1-$2 compared to $15-$20. Of course, their income is lower as well.

I didn’t consider that. Good point. :+1:

The answer is the internet and your mom and pop corner store

Now contrast Russia wth NZ, where approximately 85% of New Zealanders don’t smoke, although a proportion of that number use to smoke but gave up for several reasons, including tougher smoking laws, such as a ban on smoking in all public places, restaurants & bars,in the work place etc. Everyone I know who still smokes will never smoke in their house, they will always retreat outside. The price of cigarrettes continues to increase and that has been an effective deterrent to encourage people to give up. Now vaping on the other hand seems to be on the increase, especially amongst the younger population. There was a perception that vaping was not as harmful as smoking, so people turned to vaping so they could get their fix without the harmful effects associated with smoking. Well we now know that not to be true.

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I had not thought about this but you are totally right.

I told my dad that I went on a joyride with a friend a couple weekends ago. We had no destination…we just got in the car and drove.

My dad flipped out. He said it was wasteful to do that. I told him I had filled up my tank for $2.98 a gallon before leaving.

My dad had forgotten about the cost difference. He told me he filled up his tank recently for $4.79 a gallon.

It makes a difference.

Ridiculously cheap. Stop complaining :joy: That is only 1,26$ a liter. Today liter cost here 1,79€

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You don’t even pay 3 dollars … I drive an electric car but I see how expensive fuel is getting right now.

I plan to switch to electric soon too. You get 9.500€ here when you buy electric car :grinning: :+1:

For sooooo long? Wow.

Filled up the car this morning, NZ $2.90/ L, then passed another petrol station on the way home, NZ$2.65, Grrr &#%!@?! :laughing:

Regarding smoking, it is a matter of social attitude.

When smoking laws became stricter in Germany, many had also said that gastronomy would die, but the opposite happened. As a non-smoker, you did not have to change clothes in the evening.