Savannah & Troy

try to make it a party with the four of you, it has been granted to you, now bring your relationship with savannah back to as it was when you first came in :beers: :wine_glass:

Good business move.

Awesome, you did the right thing Troy, and your lovely wife Savannah, they look very happy together👍

I wouldn’t mind if they included the cute visitor girl too, If she is in to it. :yum:

Foursome sometime maybe. :wink:

When they are ready!

Ngl that would be pretty hot! Sound like a good idea @TroyFromRussia ?? :wink:

Well Troy himself has confirmed that Kostja & Indira are together, that will confirm things for the doubters who thought it would never happen,although if you followed these guys closely, it was obvious that something was developing and that they were really into each other, so good luck to them!

Not sure if denying that they were together to some extent was ever debatable. I think the subject has been how serious it was/is now.

Some viewers wrote them off immediately and refused to acknowledge what was right in front of them.

Is Jabbs starting to see the truth yet?

Jabbs won’t change his mind, he’s pretty hard to convince (but I like him none the less, just a stubborn bugger! :laughing:)

Is there a wedding in the future? who knows, is that ever certain at this point?

Yes and very well informed on VHTV stuff.

I thought they only smoked in the kitchen, since they don’t have a Loggia.

I will change my mind when they marry. Okay? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Why not?) Maybe we’ll come up with something

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i thought that as well

Do you care about these reorganizations or do you just leave it to the residents and guests>

even testen