Savannah & Troy

Excuse me, One you call Beard guy I think is called Tejo, I think.

He’s been itching for a piece of Indira for ages now

Yes, Tejo wants Indira so bad he can smell it

I don’t think kostja should ever see tejo as a threat, younger women prefer clean cut, with abbs, not bearded hairy guys

He will not stop sniffing until he get’s it

I think she is so into kostjo, she would only fuck another guy, as part of a three way with kostja involved

indeed, the whole portrait of Kostja :laughing:

He should push up on Savannah she’s down for it

I know Tejo wife tried to suck Kostja dick and he pushed her away

Tejo and wife trying so hard giving eye signals to each other, hoping for something

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I think that Tejo is a little too intrusive man

I think if she made the decision it would be OK, but these pussy hungry guys just keep pushing her.

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She stood her ground right now it’s kostja until further notice

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Didn’t they get lectured by mikl yesterday

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keeping her trapped? :imp:

If she’s getting dressed, wonder if they head back to M&M

Trapped , as far as I know and I see, she does not seem to me to be a prisoner, does she?

He was blocking the door.