Savannah & Troy

Wrong. He had a long talk with her in the work room some minutes ago

There are more and more conspiracy theories coming to M&H M&M and S&T&I, just let them have fun

I’ve always wondered what do the guests like Kostja, Shanna, etc. get out of being on VHTV. Do they also get paid?

Mikl Troy and Marica had a long talk, once guessed what, they came out relieved

Some are there for fun (The ones who visit only for parties) Paul of course for food :rofl: The long term guests often get contracts so they get paid.

Does Shana have nursing experience? She seems very caring of Marica.

thanks for the information

Elisha and shana have been guests with M&M almost 3 weeks now

Last night the three of them did a great job getting the couch/bed ready for her

I saw Kostja carefully open the couch bed while she was lying there. Then he and Indira cuddled next to her.

Mikl trying to apologizing by kissing Maricas’ foot / toes?

How would anyone know if she did exactly?? :rofl:

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Has she ever worn a nurses uniform?

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Ok cool, I firgured some of them at least the creepy dudes were there for the :cat:

When Henry isn’t around, there’s less shenanigans

but more nude girls.

I wish they’d leave the makeup alone, it seems stupid.

This “party” is dying, I’ll go look somewhere else!

looks like beard guy and his wife is waiting around hoping to get some of Indira.

Kostja is either staying the night, or taking her with him