The kittens keep trying to climb Sans pants!
Is it just me or do the cameras keep freezing after a few seconds. It is extremely annoying.
It is that way since nearly a day now.
It’s basically unwatchable. Can’t they do something about it?
If the ISP is the problem hardly anything can be done.
I had the same provider in another apartment and everything seemed to be fine, perhaps the problem lies in the router itself
it’s not just this apartment it’s multiple apartments that have the same problem
ah, well then it means the problem is not in the router
He can be right and it might be a problem of the website. The best would be to check together with your manager or the person who is responsible for technical equipement in your apartment @San
They probably shouldn’t. If they mess it up and put the apartment offline, VHTV would probably fine her 9 billion dollars.
Blame Elon Musk. it probably has nothing to do with it, but blame him anyway. He deserves it.
Agreed. He does indeed.
Well I was at least in part hoping to see Mobely come over more as he and San seem like a good couple. If he could help identify the camera/network problem, so much the better. There are plenty of diagnostics that can be done with no danger of hurting the equipment.