
Gabi? I thought that is the name for a girl?? They really named him Gabi? :joy: :joy:

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Here in my Country Gabi is also a Name for a Girl . :sweat_smile: :rofl: But maybe it’s just an abbreviation for something else

Well if that is the decision of the participants I won’t be against for sure. I was just surprised. Do you know where they said it?


There’s a Telegram photo a little further up.

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Thanks I will change his name :+1:

Wow Roza was on :fire:by scrolling through the forum it was making me :hot_face::crazy_face:
Sweating James Mcavoy GIF

whaat a surprise was that,i think this was the hotest moment in maybe months in vhtv,had everythinng.thank you Edrym and Roza was a magnificent night,hopefullly others can take lessons and the curse of borigness will end in vhtv.

evidence removal :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Probably the short version for Gabriel ? :man_shrugging:

offff bide ben siksem seni

That’s correct.

I know David, it is very used back in Ro

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I do wish people would stop banding the ‘K’ word around on this site. It’s being used far too often (not just by you) to describe people who are quite clearly young adults (as they have to be, to be on any of the project cameras) . This young man is roughly the same age as Edrym.

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I’d guess early 20’s

This is only my lack of English vocabulary David, plus a certain degree of laziness at that moment to search for an alternative word. No intention to imply that he’s u______e as he’s obviously not.

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Yes he must be…

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Fair enough. I didn’t mean to attack you (or even target you personally) with that comment. It’s just that I see the word used a little too often by some and it irritates me, all things considered. :slight_smile:


I’m sorry but That’s a bit of a poor cop out, how long have you lived in the U.K now?

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That doesn’t matter really, as i still build my comments in Romanian and then translate them in English in my head when i communicate. That’s how it’s coming naturally for me, still…