
You might meant besides Edrym ?

Think so :slightly_smiling_face:



When did this happen? I can’t find it on the current timeline.

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I wonder if she and Edrym are done or this prep for a threesome.

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Roza and Gabi are in the moments archive :slight_smile:

I was wondering specifically about the time he had his top off, not the graphic sexual activity he engaged in with Roza…or was that all part of the same recorded moment?

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Oh he had his top off at around 5.30am on the 9th, but unfortunately its too late to check the other angles now. I had to s___p and missed that moment.

Well it’s OK, I did see his chest (very nice it is too) in the link you posted above. :slight_smile:

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Halloween lasts so long where they are :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes, in certain other apartments too, I have noticed! :jack_o_lantern:

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Yes was thinking the same some still has Halloween stuff up.

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@Heisenberg why the :-1:? You seem to be the only one who has a problem with this post? I wasn’t the one encouraging Artem to make love to Roza’s mouth. It was her boyfriend Edrym. If you have a problem with it you should take it up with him. :wink: :eggplant: :lips:

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Sometimes when I think like you, and i wanna give everything seems :-1: or - :laughing:. Isn’t this strange? Doesn’t it sound familiar? I think you should ask yourself this first?

  • Why do I react :laughing: or :-1: to everything? :wink: ( at least Heisenberg’s posts )

or of course your friends :laughing:

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You got the :joy: by proxy because I was actually laughing at my own silly joke, watching you constantly edit the post multiple times before the time limit ends before the forum shows the actual edits

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I see it in Archive , I saved a bit but I deleted it …


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It sure does sound strange. As those are not the only reactions I give out. In fact :hugs: has been the emoji reaction I have given out the most today.

I’m not sure the last time I have given one of your comments a :-1: tbh. It’s been months I believe. So no offense big boy, but I think you are taking things a little too personally. Relax, crack some jokes, and smile a little. This forum is for fun after all. :wink: :hugs: :kissing_closed_eyes: