
That is even worse. She trusted you not to share private info and you did it anyways. That is why I said in my above post to Kaya that she (Flora) should be careful. However she is not directly responsible here.


You really don’t have much of a backbone do you? You made your point, now stand on it. No need to back peddle now. :wink:


I stand my point. He shared private info and the private info came from Flora. There should be a talk with her to not share such information even she was not responsible for the posting here. I just said I did not target Flora on purpose. Would have been the same with any other participant.


Sure you didn’t
 That’s why you referenced her in a realm that has nothing to do with her. It has so much not to do with her; the realm is in a completely different country.


Oh I think you do not have the information that in the post with the private information the information clearly came from Flora.

Here is the beginning of the post where it was said the information came from her:


The point is why are we even talking about Flora in a realm that has nothing to do with her

Are you saying Flora is now dabbling her sticky little fingers in realms that have nothing to do with her?

Ok I see you added picture of the comment. This is too much drama for me. I humbly bow out.

Acting Crazy Eyes GIF


I edited my post above and you can see that indirectly indeed she did.


Flora probably just wanted to help a poor forum user (in return for a small donation) 

That Flora gave away private information of other participants of a foreign manager 
 ignorance / foolishness 

Flora is just a girl to whom such things often happen 


Somebody call emergency services, we got burnin’ in da house.
vintage burn GIF by Genevieve Blais

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Come on pal Flora is now on top of her pedestal which she had fallen off the other week :joy:
Her star is shing brightly now :rofl:


Nochmal an alle die sich hier so Aufregen. Ich habe mit meinen Betrag niemanden hier beleitigt oder Schlecht gemacht. Sondern nur das GesprĂ€ch was Gabi hatte mit wenn auch immer Hier geteilt. Und das Flora jetzt so angeganen wird ist scheiße. Was wĂ€re denn wen ich perfekt Russisch könnte und das GesprĂ€ch dann hier Teile, ist das auch verboden ?? Dann DĂŒrften wir alle ja nicht mal Hinschauen was die Teilnehmer machen. Das ist auch Privat


Fang doch erst mal mit Deutsch an (Sorry das hast du jetzt herausgefordert :joy::joy:)


Yes if you share one of the following infos. And not it says it includes but is not limited to

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I listened back to the phone call you refer to, I can assure you it wasn’t Roza. When Gabi answered the call, she greeted the person on the phone with a name that was not Roza.

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Sorry wegen den 2 gg war nur so wĂŒtend darĂŒber das Flora so angegangen wird. :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

I don’t even get why people want to know what they say. In these places they will say what they want us to hear. Here everything can happen just to get more viewers. People like Amelie & Lucas they are real a couple. That you get Flora so far to translate it.

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Whoever was on the phone could well have been Roza. Contestants certainly don’t address each other by the names they’ve been given here at VHTV.
This makes it all the more explosive to mention these names in the forum.


Also wenn ich Verstehe was die Teilnehmer hier reden darf ich es nicht schreiben.

No, the name was different. The person on the phone was not the one you are referring to.

Okay deswegen hatte ich ja gefragt ob es Roza sein könnte am Telefon weil viele Augen sehen mehr als zwei.