
Who ever not like VHTV shows it’s simple can watch on regular TV Popeye & Cartoons
I Love to watch it I am here 7 Years use to be better but still far better from watching regular fake porno

No action amber there just messing around

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Tendría que haberlo imaginado…pero como solo veía pies y manos asomando, dije “waw, están haciendo algo más que hablar y toquetearse sin sentido”. Nop…


The only real and serious question here is why is Arina visiting single and what is happening with Pasha ?


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nah fuck all acting like brother and sister

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If i had a sister jumping on my dick like that, i would have beat the s__t out of her by now :crazy_face: :joy: :joy:

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That is the question :male_detective:male_detective: :male_detective:

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The only thing I’m very sure Arina really like Edrym Thats why she is here with him…

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Gabi will be back tomorrow , it’s a free feel lol

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Well, more than likely, tonight Arina needs to settle for one of the other sexual toys that Roza has. There are two available there :crazy_face:

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And she has one of those slim ones with two bulbs, that she used the first night Roza was gone. :joy: :joy: :joy:


She’d wanna wash them in boiling water first :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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They got the money & they went out to eat after 1 week

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double scared in shower, first when the water came from the top unexpectedly, then when she hadn’t heard Gabi come in. --priceless–

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short trip and/or short meal… … :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

**… … or just a quickie in the stairway, off cam. :wink: :thinking: :thinking … **

… or the loggia with no cam.

“No trates de pensar como él, no trates de pensar como él…”, me repito, tratando de entender que motivos puede tener Edrym para seguir resistiendose a ella.
A ver, ya asimilé el hecho del tv show. Pero tambien, que no todos son merecedores del Oscar, por lo que la actuación en algun momento se cae y la tentación es mas fuerte.
Me gusta la actitud de Arina, pero en algun momento se va a cansar de que la rechace.
Edrym me esta demostrando que su voluntad y autocontrol es a prueba de balas.


It wasn’t in the stairway.

:face_with_monocle: Edrym went out with her to the balcony l think Roza is monitoring them both with help from Nikki l’m sure that’s why he doesn’t fuck Ariana :man_detective:

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He will have to pop his Cialis before he comes to the apartment next time, it explains how he improved from his initial sessions with Roza (Quick Draw) to multi session.

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