Returning Premium Subscribers and Archive Moments

What does this mean? That I won’t be able to watch videos that were added during the time I wasn’t subscribed? So will there be a big gap in the archives from the last time I subscribed?

“Please note: If you cancel your Premium subscription and re-subscribe to Premium in the future, you will loose access to videos that were added whle you were not subscribed to VHTV. And will be able to watch those videos, that were added within your active subscription periods. It is always beneficial for you to keep VHTV subscription active.”


Another reason NOT to subscribe.

Where are you quoting that from? I’ve let my subscription lapse before and I don’t have any gaps, It’d be pretty disappointing if that were the case

At the bottom.
FAQ - Voyeur House TV :fire: (

is this new? also is this an official statement from VH?

because while I am not a subscriber, when I come back I can watch old archives. Even now. When have Premium, we already have full access to the archives.

Forgive me, but is there a misunderstanding on your part or is this “new”?

i couldnt understand :frowning:

It should be official since it’s the official FAQ. But it’s weirdly worded so that’s why I asked. It could be old outdated info and they just haven’t updated it, I don’t know.
It also says this:

“What are Archive Moments?
Archive Moments is a gallery of the most interesting videos from VHTV, stored forever at our gallery for you to enjoy. Being in Beta, Archive Moments will be available for Premium users only, no matter when they joined. As soon as it goes out of Beta, all Archive Moments will stay available for any existing Premium users, but any new Premium subscriber will be able to watch only those Moments, that were added since this user subscribed to Premium.”

I think it makes more sense to ask experts who can explain this situation.

and also i saw this,

  • Please note: If you cancel your Premium subscription and re-subscribe to Premium in the future, you will loose access to videos that were added whle you were not subscribed to VHTV. And will be able to watch those videos, that were added within your active subscription periods. It is always beneficial for you to keep VHTV subscription active.

@kaya @jabbath1987 Can you please tell us about this thing?

Is this new or has it always been there and we just saw it?
Is there a new regulation?

will we have full access to the archives as long as we have a premium membership with old and new?

I think it’s either old, mistranslated or they maybe even used AI or something to write that up. The grammar is terrible and they use “loose” instead of “lose”

We have access to videos in the archive from before we each signed up (unless some of us are day 1 subscribers :sweat_smile:) so I’m not too worried

Yes, it seems that FAQ hasn’t been updated in quite a while. They’re still talking about PayPal and their Twitter account there…

Yes you will have full access to the archives as long as you have a premium membership with old and new


I can’t remember it was handled different in the past. So everything how it should be. Right?

its good to see members are actually physically looking at the FAQ and rules , but seeing as its now been brought to the attention off , maybe now is the time to re-do the wording . also perhaps make the FAQ and rules easier to find instead of being hid away in a sub-section
@kaya i tagged you as you might be able to suggest it

red arrow shows where the above is located on my screen *** windows11- edge on pc

Though it’s a different FAQ, I like the idea :thinking: