Removing PIP banner out of the way

For those who aren’t that experience, and sometimes the PIP banner is in front block our view of what’s happening behind, here’s a collection of 8 snapshots on how to remove the PIP banner and what the full capture.

  1. Press F12 and open the Inspector
  2. Open the ‘Elements’ tab on the inspector
  3. Click on the selector arrow to choose what to delete
  4. Select the PIP banner to be removed
  5. Those are the elements that are going to be removed.
  6. Right click on the element that has the ‘screen_holder’ class, and choose delete
  7. Voilá… the banner is now gone
  8. Press F12 again to close the Inspector
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Or just simply turn the previous off from the dedicated button :man_shrugging:



Oops, i never thought of that possibility :crazy_face: :joy: :joy:

Outplay the system!

Hair Smile GIF

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wasnt the wisest move to do a topic on the subject should of kept it private :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl:

Nah, it’s a good tip for general viewers if they encounter inconvenience with preview bar. And the tutorial looks great, nice job, OP.

I Will Find You GIF

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Personally I like it because when i’m watching one realm, this gives me a glimpse of what’s going on in other apartments. When I see sex going on in a different apartment, I click right over. Just my opinion

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I love it cause I can look at it to see what’s going on I don’t minimize it at cause I can see who’s in the top 5 realms at the moment​:eyes: cause I know it chances all the time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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But, you only need a free account to use that Preview button.

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That’s highly appreciated, as at the moment I’m not subscribed.
That being said, I’d renew my subscription on the spot is somebody cough @VHTV_James _cough added better payment options.

Thanks for pointing this out. I had completely forgotten about that, as I had already subscribed on the same day after creating my account. And that was more than three years ago… :grinning:

That was also my big concern at the beginning of January.
But with my Mastercard it went without any problems.
If you’re worried about something about VHTV appearing on your credit card statement, that’s also unfounded. There is nothing in the intended use to indicate VHTV.

Sorry to hear our payment options aren’t quite right for you. We’re looking into adding more choices. Hope you will reconsider your decision for now to not miss anything :wink:
Spongebob Squarepants Money GIF

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The Preview button only works if you are logged in

Or just use your ad block.