Rachel & Ross

Unfortunately, nothing really happened. I was hoping to see Rachel getting it on with someone other than Ross. Bummer!

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When I find myself in times of troubleā€¦ :heart_eyes:

Time to all it a day. Merry Christmas to each and every one of you :sparkling_heart:


Great clip. :+1:


Une autre victime de Rachel ? :blush:

One day, one new guy! Sheā€™s so hot actually :rofl:

Has Rachel ever fucked with someone else other than Ross?

no and theres nothing in the archives to suggest differently


she wonā€™t cheat on Ross

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better if she try to find girl as a loverā€¦ boys are boring.

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Itā€™s looking more and more like Ross might be out of the picture. Does anyone watch this apartment? When was the last time Ross was here?

I think he was last here in October or November. At least it felt like an eternity. Unfortunately, Rachel doesnā€™t have an account on the forums, so we canā€™t ask her about Ross.

If I would have known he was gone I would have watched this place a lot sooner. The way she and this guy are carrying on, I doubt this is the first time theyā€™ve been together. Maybe finally weā€™ll get to see Rachel having good sex with someoneā€¦ FINALLY after all this time.

Youā€™re probably giving yourself false hopes. The way I judge Rachel, sheā€™s loyal to him. And she gets enough views doing her photo shoots.

So probably no chance to see her with another manā€¦ :wink: :grin:

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But why she do that? Nobody many weeks and nowā€¦ two boys in a couple of days. As I understand that Ross left country because of mobilisationā€¦

Why does she always have to sit around alone? Maybe itā€™s just friends who came to visit. She doesnā€™t have sex with them.

I also suspected that Ross is gone because of the mobilization, but I just didnā€™t want to write about it here.

she will not have sex

how do you know that?

Well that would be unfortunate but not surprising. Oh well. Nothing going on in any of the other houses so I guess Iā€™ll watch this play out regardless.

I know russian because Iā€™m from Ukraine.