Rachel & Ross

Maybe that’s why no one has fucked her yet, too much undergrowth :laughing:
Must be very damp in there :laughing:

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And smeiiy👎Enough to put me off my fish and chips


I’m disappointed you’ve not given the tag ‘Clickbate Central’ yet @robwin :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:


Well same as so many others now have lost track :rofl:

Question to all you bright buggers out there, why do some posted pictures struggle or fail to open up?

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All great and magnifique here. Try clean your cookies and fish n’ chips from computer

:joy: :joy:
Hungry Cookie Monster GIF

Might be the fan trying to cool my G&T :rofl:

Whose the new girl that’s just turned up are we in for a 3 some?

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Debatable as Rachel has hardly had a twosome yet :crazy_face:

I seriously doubt it. But we can only hope!

I would munch on that bush forever

Auto flossing eh :rofl:

With Christina visiting again we know Rachel’s location. All quite revealing pardon the pun :wink: I don’t know who the dark haired girl is though. The only person I don’t want to see turning up now is Vlad or even Ross :face_v___ting:

sympat ces filles ,elles doivent ètre coquines et à croquer.

What a boring site👎

dont use d__gs dude