Rachel & Ross

weed scythe GIF

I got that one, was about to post it. I’ll do it anyway :heart_eyes:


фууу бля…! это отвратительно!


she took a 2 hour shower :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Sie hat aber ein schönen Körper

Her bush is the first full grown one that I have seen in a long time. It’s so long that it almost looks fake… sort of like when actors put on a beard that just doesn’t look natural. I like pubic hair so it looks good to me.


Guest girl is Christina, she was in the Tata apartment in the past and then stayed with Rachel for a while after that.
Not new at all rather an old hand but quite nice.
Piccy taken about a year ago when she was here.




And she looks at the vibrator and smiles. And quietly says “Thank you”.

This “hairstyle” wore women in the 70s… :joy:

I agree. It is not my favourite hairstyle as many have come to find out. It wasa happy day for me when Rachel shaved. All that hair was covering a beautiful pussy.

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Well done @robwin. I knew i had seen her before but no idea where. I do remember her from the tata apt. :heart_eyes:

Yeah that was when Vlad was always trying to get into her knickers without much success.
He must have had the biggest blue balls ever i think :laughing:
She did give him the odd jerk off but never seen her being fucked at all.

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realm75-cam18-1668080904 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: realm75-cam17-1668081040


image Bellissima patatina :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s not a bush it’s a b___dy forest

You started off my day with a laugh. Thanks much.

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Don’t think Christina has ever been fucked on VH lets hope Rachel can urge her to do something, Rachel certainly needs it :laughing:
By the way has Ross gone AWOL? fucking hope so :laughing:

She would need a strimmer to get through that forest first ,but you never know what might happen😀

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