
A very quiet week here in VHTV.

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Nicht nur diese Woche , schon länger

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Anyone there

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The realms can’t party and have sex 24/7 they deserve a break to relax and recharge


Agree. Its not as hot as it used to be

This is true and for me I find it more interesting if there are gaps in things happening in an appt at times - but not in every appt at the same time! I have to agree it is very quiet at the moment - too quiet!

Though I should have added - Lilith does seem to be getting better!! She will save us :grinning:


I certainly hope so as well :+1:

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I fully agree with u said :100:

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I understand that very well, but when there are 43 apartments, they maby could have ensured that something happened somewhere within a week, as they did before…
Just thinkin loud :upside_down_face:


Well another very quiet day has passed. The highlights, Lilith is better and Lucas arrives fit and well! Perhaps tomorrow…

Hope springs eternal. I just think that it is becoming too expensive for the participants to host the parties like they used to give

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Es mĂĽssen keine Partys sein .


I’m not sure there is much cost attached to the gatherings, especially if there are 3 or 4 involved - unless they pay the participants of course which I suppose is likely, at least sometimes.

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If you remember Dexter and Kelly before they left they wanted to host parties but stated that they couldn’t afford the cost anymore. Other participants like Jenya Dada have said that the income just wasn’t enough and he left in debt. They have to do something to attract the views. It is sad sometimes.

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