Purgatorium đŸ’©

Whyyyy do you whine so much??? Back off and people will back off of you
 you just don’t get it

I enjoy it. It’s actually very amusing how much it seems to bother you tbh. Do you have any other questions for me my friend?

I will say it again
 I am not “your friend” and everybody but your “buddy” is tired of you
 gtf away and do us all a favor

Nah I think I’ll stay, thanks for the offer though bub. If you want to continue this conversation I suggest we do so in the :poop:-hole. That’s where all of this is going to get moved to anyway. So why not cut out the middleman?

Once again, you are protected by @jabbath1987 
 never fails. You complain about everybody else being assholes, but you set the mark and he allows it
 again, typical @VHTV_James. I guess Jabbs sets the standard and no matter what the majority feels goes ignored
 so sad for a little bitty porn company.

You really don’t understand sarcasm do you, my guy? You seem to be quite the angry individual as well. I hope one day you will find peace in your life.

WTF are you talking about? I said multiple times I do not like the s__t stirring he often does.

Seth, you do seem to have a nasty habit of winding people up, maybe, just maybe, you should take a look at yourself and the way you react to people, just saying. :hugs:

It’s not sarcasm, you just pick on people you feel inferior to you
 actually quite sad for you
 but you’re the one that has to look in the mirror every morning. Go ahead and deflect
 you do that best

 and do NOTHING about it
 you two are tied at the hip but will never admit it. Go ahead and use your useless MO status and try to beat me down
 not going to happen

I will just leave you to your impression. Have a nice day :wink:

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I’m the one who said it. I’m telling you it is. :wink:

Yup and it is quite the handsome view if I do say so for myself. :smiling_face: :hugs:

I suggest if what I say upsets you so much you put me on your ignore list. No need to get so upset by me. i promise you I’m really not that important.

He won’t look at himself and do anything about it because Jabbs has his back and he knows it
 Jabbs doesn’t even realize it
 He will just keep on unfettered, just get used to it

Sorry mate but I don’t agree and you only have to see who is one of the most prolific posters to see that at No. 5. where his posts have been moved here. :slight_smile:

I am number 1, but I am an argumentative toss-bag so that’s a different story. :rofl: :rofl:

@jabbath1987 Idiot Facepalm GIF

It’s her life. You’re not going to change it, so why do you keep talking about it over and over. We get it you don’t like people who webcam and they are doomed for doing it. Practice what you preach perhaps.

I like to think when you do that you’re like this

Sad Baby GIF

I actually like Flora and I think she’s gorgeous. Gotta love how she just lets it roll off her back unlike the king of the hill here who clearly has some major issues.

Why are you moving every post I make to your s__t hole. Why are you so angry and bothered by me? You don’t even know me.

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Clearly the site does not care what they do. Maybe just accept things the way they are and try to get something out of it anyways or complain. That’s fun too I suppose, but I don’t think it’s ever changed much of anything. Seems to me that the name of the game in a place like this would be to find and post their cam link and then share both viewpoints, especially if there are any private sessions. Instead complaining seems to win the day.

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