Purgatorium šŸ’©

No I didnā€™t know you did it. Can I change it back please? I like The current tittle WAY worse how it is now.

Ok fixed it :+1:

Nah, I will leave it as it is as it is less controversial and covers more topics. If Jabs wants to change it back he can. :slight_smile:

So you want to be controversial, I get itā€¦ :man_facepalming:

jabba was the one who named it in the first place. Come on man can we have a little fun. Please stop being such a stick in the mud. The title isnā€™t hurting anyone.

Well if you want to base your life being like that, I cannot change you, but I would detest being like that.

You say that like itā€™s a bad thing. Sometimes itā€™s good to have a little controversy. Without it life would be boring.

To each their own my friend. I would detest life without a little controversy. Being safe and trying to please everyone all the time makes life boring but thatā€™s just me.

At least she has some life in her, chunky legs & Dopey just sat there all night looking bored. :roll_eyes:

I take it chunky legs is the red tights one, who the hell is Doppy :laughing:

Rob, I am surprised at you, Chunky Legs & Dopey = Indira & Kostja :wink:

1 Like

Me too and I have no concept of why chunky legs has such a huge fanbase as they are the most boring couple on VHTV. :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

Yep couldnā€™t agree more, i just like watching the unpredictable, when it exists lol.
Afterall if all you want is pure unadulterated fucking you donā€™t have to look very far :rofl: And even that gets boring after a while :rofl:
psā€¦I like the name chunky legs haha


Is it acceptable for @anon31605929 (leader) to make derogatory/insulting nicknames for participants?

If it is not I expect you or/and @VHTV_James to take appropriate actions.

If it is acceptable I would like to offer a few choice nicknames for our illustrious @anon31605929 leader.




At least she has some life in her, chunky legs & Dopey just sat there all night looking bored.




Rob, I am surprised at you, Chunky Legs & Dopey = Indira & Kostja

Calling Indira Chunky Legs is defiantly body shaming and in poor taste but I donā€™t think itā€™s mean and/or derogatory enough to be breaking any rules. I wonder how ukpolska would feel if someone referred to members of his family as Chunky Legs or Dopey? I guess context would be what is most important. If it was done in a joking manner or if it was meant to be mean spirited. I believe ukpolska was referring to Indira & Kostja as Chunky Legs and Dopey in a mostly jokingly manner.

Jim Carrey Movie GIF But itā€™s the truth :rofl::rofl::rofl:

No if about this. It was malicious. Read other posts before and after.

No doubt it was malicious, and the fact that ukpolska made them is all the more surprising, I thought he was better than that. When I see that way he defended Bella (and I applaud him for that) after all the nasty comments she received, I am even more surprised. Moreā€™s the pity.

I did and like I stated before I thought what ukpolska said was body shamming and in poor taste. However, I feel he should at least be given the curtesy to explain himself.

And here they come, the Mr sensitivity fan club :laughing: :laughing:

Itā€™s no secret of your dislike for me Bercee which stems back to when I criticised you over one of your vile comments and your opinion of me is tainted for that reason and I am happy that you have a found a hypocritical crusade to channel your energies. :wink: :laughing:

The body-shaming is pure invention on your part, and if it hurts your sensitivities, then that is your issue to get over, not mine. She has chunky legs, which is a fact not fiction, and was said in a jovial sense, and would you prefer me to say overly large proportion legs to suit your sensesativites

Jesus christ, this fan club is too much sometimesā€¦!!!

How come you only picked on chunky legs and not dopey? Because you lot have slagged him off so many times in those threads, but is it because she is a poor woman?

Slag me off for it as much as you want; I donā€™t really care. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Maybe you put your own house in order before you start accusing others of what you have been doing for many monthsā€¦!!!

Your posts are on public view here: https://forum.voyeur-house.tv/u/bercee/activity/replies

Your derogatory attacks toward Tejo & Jirina are a prime example of this.