Purgatorium šŸ’©

@Shyguy no this is about @Sebastian realm where members have made comments and @jabbath1987 moved them here when my point was on other realms such as @Henry they continually get slagged off with no penalties. It should be the same for every realm.

Like I said I donā€™t follow that topic you mentioned, action has been taken in Ariela and Sebastian topic due to the often use of real names and derogatory language used, if you believe that is also happening in the topic mentioned or any other topic then you need to flag the posts you find inappropriate so VHTV can deal with them

I donā€™t follow the realm either but believe everyone has a right to comment as they see within the rules of VHTV. What I do not like is it appears there are different rules for different realms which is not right. And certain moderators decide what they like or donā€™t like is ok

I agree with you but that wasnā€™t happening in Ariela and Sebastian topic, users had been reminded several times not to use real names or break other rules but it was consistently ignored so action was taken

I actually agree with you on this as well but in this case with Ariela and Sebastian I canā€™t disagree with the action taken

@jabbath1987 the BULLY keeps moving us rather than reply to the questions. Those who remember a short while ago he had a big row with a member but did not remove the comments as in his words THEY WERE OK OR WAS IT BECAUSE IT WAS HIM .What a joke

Wow, we are all getting on very well so it seems, so much harmony in the camp :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

May i ask a simple question, how does anyone know their real names anyway?
So many members seem to spend their time digging around the internet and trying to hack private media accounts.
Why for gods sake, are they that sex mad and perverted they have to go to such extremes.and want to know all the ins and outs of a cows ass. (A UK expression, sometimes a cats ass lol)

HaHa I have not got a clue what anyoneā€™s real names are and donā€™t care to be honest

this is not a forum for this realm anymore, it is a dictatorship by those who see this realm only in rose coloured glasses, you canā€™t say anything against the participants or guest otherwise you get flagged or delated, you canā€™t speculate what Ariela is doing when she goes out all night, but Seb goes out every morning arenā€™ we speculating that he is going to work, like the other day a new first timer posted something about Ariela and she wrote"i condemned you" and had their post removed, so like i said at the beginning this forum is a dictatorship so i am under no illiusion to see this post deleted

Very well said, the trouble is some moderators seem to be extremely biased and think and act with their feelings and not their heads using common sense as they ought too.
Their private feelings and views should not enter into their decisions and actions.
If they are unable to separate this role they should not be in the job.
I have had posts flagged which were perfectly innocent yet they disappeared.

some users should write about what they see in the participantsā€™ homes and not what they perhaps do outside the homeā€¦

Perfectly true and it is like this for a long time.
Also the main reason i stopped posting in that Topic.
Extremely wrong what is happening over there in my opinion

All this real names crap, what the hell does it matter if you know their real name for gods sake.
My real name is Rob, so what if anyone knows it, there must be millions of Robs in the world with me being just an insignificant one.
I expect many of the others use their real names.

@Marcus10854 that should be the same for every realm but unfortunately not and the people complaining do the same on other realms such as @Henry as they do not like them

on this I agree with you it should be the same for all kingdomsā€¦

I have not and will not flag anyone. because I accept many opinions. Yours too.
Even if yours is not my opinion. And then others should also accept that I have a different opinion.
Acceptance is the be-all and end-all. And that can also be done without name-calling, I think. :pensive:

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she takes the spare clothes and clothes of the woman of the night and goes to her. Hope you have a good time.but her black dress was beautiful

@Winston119973 you also have to consider that in mira and hernyā€™s apartment they always discuss what happens in the houseā€¦and instead in ariela and sebastianā€™s apartment the comments are only about what ariela does outside the houseā€¦(we should discuss what happens in the houses and not outside the house)ā€¦

Exactly. And maybe people should start to discuss on topic and within the rules and not speculating about private things happening outside. Otherwise the posts will be moved to her and all the clone accounts from Nickolas (Right now he is Rodger240350) will be reported and hopefully banned as his previous ones.

Why did they move my post here? Just for understanding. Thank you

nickolas and the one who slaughtered every day arielaā€¦(even now I canā€™t understand why heā€™s so mad at her)ā€¦