Purgatorium đŸ’©

Just reading all the crap on here is it any wonder i am getting pissed off with the whole VH forum thing.
So many seem to like being complete assholes or does it come naturally?

And this was your very next post in reply to someone asking what a girls name was

Just being truthful :laughing:, i’m only a mild version :laughing:

Honestly, I burst out laughing with you, now you are all sentimental advisors to a voyeur-house tenant hahaha! I repeat to you not to insist, that you are not going to get benefits from any member. Yan’s problem is obvious, she’s one of the most boring and distant people I’ve met on this site and she’s never going to be able to keep anyone, especially a girl she’s just met. Surely Evelyn expected much more from him, but he doesn’t give for more!


methinks you might be one of those frustrated broke ass blimps that live of freebies and expect anyone to take notice of anything that you have to say .so jog on to the next forum as your participation here is not welcomed nor wanted

Frustrated airships that live on gifts? You don’t even know what you’re talking about
people like you are the ones hoping to get freebies from VH tenants just for their “nice words” and defend them from people like me who just tell the harsh truth of this place. I don’t know if I’m welcome or not but I don’t care, you have the option to ignore but I see that you can’t resist my comments so you’ll have to put up with me! Muak! One kiss for you!

sorry dont expect freebies i get what i pay my premium for nothing more nothing less . i support the cause with my money and that gives me the right to defend the tennants from freeloaders like you . and as for the kiss i think you sent it to the wrong person im a 71 year old bloke . ex military and retired policeman .iv never accepted unwarranted gifts. kisses included from complete strangers like ( you) so take it back and give it to someone more deserving your m____r perhaps

Ahhh okay, “you support the cause with your money” what cause? There are better and more humanitarian causes to support and more for a retired ex-military and ex-police officer like you! I am not a freeloader, I pay to jerk off to the “cause” not to get personally involved with it! You are just pitiful! Ahhh a kiss for your mom too wherever she is seeing her son up close

interesting that the person who thumbs up this went out of his way to appear as a free user :joy:

the only problom henry has got , is that he is a d______e , manager my arse ,

My thoughts entirely concerning the crap. Perhaps the only good thing is that it channels the unintelligent into a discrete location. I do not envy jabs having to police it.

But we still end up fucking reading it :laughing:

It’s the only way to find out if it’s crap or not is by reading it or how else would you know pal?

To be fair I don’t think talking drivel necessarily makes you unintelligent.

He doesn’t have to do anything, he could just sit back and have a quiet life but he chooses to get involved

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Isn’t that what i just said you tosser :laughing:

Works well enough for you then pal :+1:

This is Jabb’s playground, he only has so much authority especially when someone has done nothing wrong
 I consider it an honor lol. POS
 that and his multiple identities, think about it
 I know of two

So I said to myself"this will definitely get a response from the "Clown Prince"and sure enough pal you didn’t let me down. :joy:

All I was saying is reading “crap” as you call it is part and parcel of being on an open forum and so you can moan about it if you like but it is always going to be there.If I had my way your opinions would be banned :joy:

BTW in case you have forgotten I’ve got a patent on “tosser” :joy:

Get your own “insult” pal😂