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Cracking Up Lol GIF by Originals

Why not just post showtimes? Put up PayPal posters on the wall too while you’re at it. If you’re going sell it, SELL IT! :laughing:

If she was it couldn’t have lasted more then a minute or two at most. Did he cum or did he just stick it in her ass for a minute and you guys laughed?

BDSM in cozy comfort. Here, have a pillow. :joy:

Note #1 11:42: Shows over. Cell phones on the couch time. Nobody really lives like this. I almost feel sorry for them. Should I?

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Edrym & Roza, Montana

Ivo’s cards are out. LOL Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Well you live a very routine life with very little variation in what you do and have done on this site for a long time. The issue for me is that you’re clearly not doing what you do for you nearly as much as for your audience. One’s sex life is super important and it should be valued like it was a precious diamond. I guess what I’m saying is that your sex life should be an expression of your desire and passion, not turned into a show for views on a sex site. You’ll end up jaded about sex if you keep this up cause you’re making it your life. This is why people who cam on Chaturbate maintain show hours. It’s a way for them to separate their sex show from their real life. Instead, you are running a constant Chaturbate show and then you’re calling it your life. This is not how you would normally live your life if you didn’t have cams that paid you money. The question is, who are you really?

Awesome! Can you please ask the forum leader, @jabbath to then stop moving my comments to the s__thole? I suppose if you informed him that you in fact do not have thin skin and are not offended and can tolerate my criticisms than we can both continue to have a good time. :heart::heart::heart:

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@Montana Sorry, clearly Jabbath did not get the message. He’s even moving complimentary posts in the s__thole on this forum. He hates me with a deep passion. Perhaps you can kindly tell him to stop doing that. Or, if indeed, you agree with him and you’d rather I be kicked into the s__thole, then please tell me so. Then I will know the truth of how you feel and are.

Of course you can write him. Just write to @jabbath and tell him to leave one of your fans alone and to stop moving my comments into the s__thole just because he personally hates me.

It’s not easy to hide accounts. If he does, VHTV almost 99.9% certainly knows about them. When StnCld banned me once he went to the extra effort of banning my IP. I had to use a mobile device to access CC. I could have used a VPN too, but I didn’t feel like dealing with it. It was pretty funny when you guys would say someone was me, when I knew damn well it wasn’t. Good times!

@Noldus why are you doing this? These are old. Time has passed. No one cares. Will you be moving all of the off topic comments or just the one involving me?

@Bluewinner @jabbath1987 @VHTV_James @kaya @Noldus

Why are @Montana’s comments getting moved to the :poop:-hole?? She is literally one of the participants the forum topic is about. By default, all comments by Montana in the Montanan forum topic should be considered on topic. This is starting to get a bit out of hand

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These are the people who died as a direct result of the attack on the Capitol.

  • Ashli Babbitt, an Air F___e veteran, was fatally shot by a Capitol Police officer as rioters tried to breach the House chamber.
  • Kevin D. Greeson died of a heart attack, collapsing on the sidewalk west of the Capitol on Jan. 6.
  • Rosanne Boyland appeared to have been crushed in a stampede of fellow rioters as they surged against the police.
  • Benjamin Philips, the founder of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, died of a stroke.
  • Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police, who was attacked by the mob, died on Jan. 7.
  • Officer Jeffrey Smith of the Metropolitan Police Department k__led himself after the attack.
  • Officer Howard S. Liebengood of the Capitol Police also died by suicide four days afterward.

As I said, Ashli Babbitt was k__led on Jan 6, Brian Sicknick died of a stroke days after the riot (even though the media and politicians originally tried to say he was bludgened to death with a fire extinguisher). Terrible day that was blown way out of proportion by our corrupt media and politicians. Some of them actually compared it to thousands of deaths during the attack on Pearl Harbor! At the same time they hardly mention the summer of riots all over our country in 2020 that lasted months where many more people were k__led and businesses, government buildings and entire areas of cities destroyed in what our media portrayed as “mostly peaceful” all because those riots were done by people on their side of the political isle. I do not blame others from outside the US who only go by what the media shows but it was 1 bad day with one direct k__ling and she was an unarmed protestor (you don’t die of stroke or heart attack without pre existing underlying health problems).

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This whole thread has been off topic since the names were announced :rofl:

Brian Sicknick died on Jan. 7 as a direct result of the beating he sustained during the violent attack on the Capitol. All because that fucking, narcissistic, psychopath IQ45, didn’t have the guts to admit he lost the election fair and square.

He incited a violent, armed and deadly, insurrection, an attempted coup of our democratic way of life, so he could remain in power, even though he had already committed irreparable harm and damage to this country, its people, and it’s democracy. Nothing compares to that.

He is a blight, a s__t stain on this country and should be eliminated by any means possible, from ever taking office or exerting any kind of influence on this country for the rest of his Godforsaken, miserable life. He is one of the most vile, evil, despicable excuses for a human being who ever walked the Earth.

far too much emotion to deal with things with intellectual honesty. Good day, and good luck with your therapy!

Yea and it’s fucking bulls__t I’m not sure why we have leaders on this forum because they are not doing a single thing.

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Good question. Was not me moving them

They should not have been moved over, but “hung on” some other posts. They have moved back.