Purgatorium 💩

As I said the day before yesterday and they insist on censoring me, tearing me apart, but who is there outside that circle of bought people who earn money, status and recognition for being where they are, pursuing anything that is against their interests, the truth is clear vhtv is at the worst moment in the last 2 months tonk out a week ago, iga left the project, krosh ended, and the only kingdom left that is that of cinderella is at the worst moment, leaving only these massive and already tiring sex of isildor and cinderella, they let kerri leave without taking advantage of anything from her, the realm without creativity, almost no new realm enters, only kaya’s came in, which for now has nothing interesting. Just don’t accept that vhtv is in the worst moment in 3 months who doesn’t have common sense or is like this group that now will ban me censor me and do everything they do. But the truth is out there and they can’t hide it. I still have a week to go before my subscription ends, and I’m going for it. I’m not coming back to this forum anymore. bye