Posts translation is back

Yes, it’s Russian by so fast!!! :laughing:

I keep feeding into my mrs & im very popular still (russian wife) :innocent:

@VHTV have you looked at the plug in “ImTranslator: Translator, Dictionary, TTS” This seems to work very good for me. People can post in there own language and with a mouse highlight I can translate and write them back in there language. Just a thought.

@stanley the issue has been fixed.

@1313_Mockingbird_Ln, it’s up to end-users to choose software on their end. If it works for you, why not :slight_smile:

But no plans to introduce global translation to forum in the future.

Yes, it’s working correctly now - thank you. :hugs:

For some reason I don’t see “translate button” to this post - Marla & Hector - #40 by DarkJezza2022

Can confirm that. I do not see it too.

That means that @DarkJezza2022’s forum locale is the same language as yours: supposedly English. We don’t detect the difference between user’s message language & your locale. We check user’s locale against yours. Otherwise there would be a severe load both for sending data to Google & our wallet to pay for so much of language detection :smiley:

The same way you don’t see on my posts :grin:

But you write English… So do I…

But not my country/language… not everybody know how / or bother to configure the profile

I speak and write in both English and Italian, but usually aim for English.

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Just found out on this auto translator it cant handle haggis speak :rofl:

No, I noticed the same thing, with another post elsewhere, where I would have thought there should be the translation button. I wonder why that happens.

The explanation is 2 post under mine which you are replying to - Posts translation is back - #32 by VHTV

In case anyone does not know IMTranslator Im-Translator - the best and it’s free

C’est bien car beaucoup ne maitrise pas la langue anglaise et pour parler dans le forum qu’en anglais ça aurait été dommage. go translate :rofl: :rofl: :wink: :upside_down_face:

Nice feature - thanks very much

I already posted this 4 day’s ago. See the reply I got form VHTV in above post.

I saw it, but I show what the program can do, instead of just telling ABOUT the program. Then readers can better decide if they want to try the program