Pets of Voyeur House

oopsie. and 4 cats for nina and kira! wow.


Well the list is filling. Soon we will have them all :smiley: :+1:

There is a cat now in realm6. I guess Nelly brought it with her…

Thats much better thanks. :hugs:

Kazantip-House has 2 rats. I’ve seen them

Wow even more… :joy:

Don’t forget the (as yet unseen) hedgehogs in various gardens and semi rural or even urban settings for these apartments! :hedgehog:

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Are you sure they are pets?

Yes there in the room of steph.

David, behave yourself.

Audience Reaction GIF by Originals

You’ve broken with your cute guy gifs tradition…I am so disappointed! :laughing:

I know. But you asked for a stern nun to rap your knuckles and tut disapprovingly. And why are these gifs coming out so frickin’ huge all of a sudden? There needs to be a scaling thing under them like there is with uploaded screencaps and such.

The guinea pig at Schuyler’s isn’t playing ball as I try to get a screengrab. I say guinea pig, it could just be a fat hamster. Hard to tell when it only comes out at night. They need to get it a tiny weights bench. A mini home gym. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Guinea pigs are not gym-friendly. It’s not safe for them to use balls wheels and all of that designed for hamsters


Pretty sure it is a hamster…

Do we want pets names transliterated or translated? :wink:

I’m giggling like a madmen at that, but I take your point. :grin:

I think you’re right. A well-stuffed one.

Nina and Kira kindly sent us some awesome photos :heart_eyes:

  1. Pryanik (Gingerbread) :tipping_hand_man:

  2. Mitya :tipping_hand_man:

  3. Styopa :tipping_hand_man:

  4. Olivka (Olive) :tipping_hand_woman:

  5. Kapitan (Captain) :heart_eyes:


Wow very nice pets.