
That’s just the normality for those people. No surprise here at all

i bet he will have a white shirt and red shorts on at the wedding

force her? damn man you reaching bad.

its their relationship.

no the night that she went to sleep after the 5th time she was laying there looking like she was a about to cry as he pummed away then she stopped him after like 10 mins

he is not forcing her to do anything i know some of yall simp for these women but be for real this ain’t anything new from any of the apartments from the past or now.

you just don’t like him thats all i don’t know him or her.

and if you saw him force her then why not report it?



Yes, we will see how just the word Yes (да) makes her life even more shitty.

What a relationship (!)

Yeey Congratulations (!) :tada: :partying_face: :man_facepalming:


it was not force as he held her down it was more of the she did not want to do it and just let him go i will have to look for the clip
also dont get it fucked up i am no simp everyone on this site is nothing more then a tool to make me nut

you sound like a simp i like the last part of you sentence better :joy:

this is a toxic relationship thats all just like some of the past apartments one of my favorites was courtney :joy:

Holy shit. I am totally out of words :rofl::rofl::rofl::scream::scream::scream:

Sheet GIF



Seems like a desperate move from him. Asking her in front of all the people will make it hard for her to say “No”


ahh i give them a few weeks & months, Mr. Hairdryer will do a shit again and drive her crazy as usual, she will take off the ring,

then Mr will sleep at her door as a loser saying sorry.

“Pure Loser the Mr. Hairdryer” :haircut_man:


Pinky is full of energy.:fire:


I give them days or weeks :joy:


She’s just as bad as him. Same as all the other girls… :man_shrugging:

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i would say that but i dont know russian so i can only go by what i see and for the most part i only see them fight after they both tweek out and he wont stop trying to fuck

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If there are problems in the relationship that have not been solved, the ring will not fix those problems. A patch that comes off.


but we now have a tool to know when shit does hit the fan and if you see the ring come off we know its over