Pages for Topics

Ok, some of these topics are getting pretty long. At some point you need to add pages and the ability to click a link that takes the user to the last post in that topic. Maybe I’m missing something.

Yes i was trying to go back to the first post of a topic and it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack it took me ages to get to it.

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A lot of people use mobile devices and I think having to load the whole topic each time is a waste of data consumption.

There will no Pages for topics here in a classic way we got used to.
Instead there’s topic Timeline, which is on the right while using wide screens, and on bottom right using mobile.

The way it works is quite simple


As for mobile devices, the same timeline is hidden at the bottom right right one-click away from sections (pages) count


One more life hack for today: You can quickly scroll to top by clicking topic title which is always on the top while scrolling.

That doesn’t work like that with Discourse. The data is being loaded on demand. So even a crazy long topic page will load as fast as small one.

The timeline thing is great when there’s 10 posts, but when there are a hundred or a thousand, it’s going to suck ass. Not to mention poor people who use mobile devices who, if I’m not mistaken will pay a price for such loads. Pages are your friend. Your going to end up with a mess.

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Oh you mean like CC do it :sweat_smile:

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They’ll learn, but by then this forum will look like the archives, a cluterfuck of a mess.

It’s already become pain in the ass trying to navigate this forum, especially on a mobile device. Wait till the topics get to be over 500 posts long. Idiots!

There won’t be classic pagination at this forum as long as it is not supported by Discourse core, which we are totally fine with. You can discuss it somewhere like Discourse forum, maybe this gets the traction you’d like.

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