[Over] VHTV Best Apartment Poll #24

The Russian trolls from #realm90 should get removed from the contest.

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Hey VHTV - Where is Yan and Flora in this poll?

I think it has happened before to other appartments where if they were offline when the poll goes up, they aren’t added

Thanks for the info. So
I guess these polls are pretty much worthless because they don’t show the true placement/percentage of the realms.

I think you are looking at the polls in the wrong way, even if they were 100% accurate i don’t think it would make that much of a difference to us viewers, it’s just a free way to get coins (the value of the coins is another topic entirely haha). You could literally vote randomly and the end result is the same

The Best Apartment Poll #24 is now over and it’s about time we congratulate those who took part into this poll. Thank you, and please enjoy your rewards

💎 Rewards & Details

@Haskell33393 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Helmer25155 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Brannon319 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Misael148714 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Hester79340 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Samson142060 got 15 VHTV Coins, @X0m1odVUaS got 15 VHTV Coins, @vmkZBywqOm got 15 VHTV Coins, @Phoenixx got 30 VHTV Coins, @Green19158 got 30 VHTV Coins, @fzn8H1odwM got 15 VHTV Coins, @Guillermo91796 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Khalid135048 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Daleys got 15 VHTV Coins, @Boris189623 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Xander2421 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Walter59142 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Graham183814 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lefty got 20 VHTV Coins, @Alex167963 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Berry23988 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Albert204880 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Dale205904 got 25 VHTV Coins, @jeandutourd got 15 VHTV Coins, @Blondjon79 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Keaton127612 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Maximo189155 got 15 VHTV Coins, @DarkJezza2022 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Gaetano14966 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ronny993 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Neil116682 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Victor193694 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Shadow got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kirk196626 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Brycen151806 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Arne36072 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Scottie153923 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kamryn102281 got 15 VHTV Coins, @JeVeuxVoirTout got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ottis200101 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jovany110308 got 15 VHTV Coins, @LarryLujack got 30 VHTV Coins, @Bailey208160 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Deven38935 got 20 VHTV Coins, @benecat got 15 VHTV Coins, @Keanu104716 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Handsdown got 30 VHTV Coins, @Bruno888 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Mervin203719 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Broxman got 25 VHTV Coins, @Enoch8260 got 15 VHTV Coins, @careB got 30 VHTV Coins, @Eldred88221 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Johnson191836 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Justice72734 got 15 VHTV Coins, @West_California got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kory177800 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Anthony174341 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Gregory197965 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Sonny146593 got 20 VHTV Coins, @bibZzpSkhl got 25 VHTV Coins, @Sylvester46625 got 15 VHTV Coins, @chrd12345 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ernesto60181 got 20 VHTV Coins, @wurzelsepp_1 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Benji_2022 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tristian188923 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Domenick190430 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Frank188930 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Armando7125 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Demetrius190288 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Adan206527 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Baylee156508 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Peter.Lemon got 15 VHTV Coins, @Isai7642 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Zander99700 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Nikko100850 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Evert75737 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Rhett129887 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jaquan5714 got 30 VHTV Coins, @zsoli_77 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Stoplight got 20 VHTV Coins, @Steve106741 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ramon65207 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Issac19444 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lorenzo82174 got 20 VHTV Coins, @s208119 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Parlay1 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Abdo got 15 VHTV Coins, @Oda203260 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Whistle2001 got 15 VHTV Coins, @NEED2p got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ulices82242 got 20 VHTV Coins, @NotSeth got 15 VHTV Coins, @Garrick192670 got 30 VHTV Coins, @zeno66 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Bryon1448 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Alexys12774 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Brock16914 got 15 VHTV Coins, @London154158 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Hailey110786 got 15 VHTV Coins, @OD6FKylEog got 15 VHTV Coins, @D_angelo88597 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Camron783 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Morton152683 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Abdul146322 got 15 VHTV Coins, @leo59dav got 15 VHTV Coins, @Coty207652 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Guyle37666 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Tizzer_Wizzer got 20 VHTV Coins, @Brendon6399 got 20 VHTV Coins, @New_Viewer2 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Myron16356 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alexis153595 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Robaust111 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jamarcus187531 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Rosario206164 got 25 VHTV Coins, @bayou220 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jefferey138171 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Avatar256 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Billy64777 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Devonte12057 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Joey206479 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Nathan127883 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Stephan135283 got 20 VHTV Coins, @radiale got 30 VHTV Coins, @Denis56371 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Cristopher182871 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Alexys170398 got 15 VHTV Coins, @ikke57 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Baron10397 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jaron202637 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kristian175775 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Focus-Flow got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ron99622 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lonny33879 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ralph144977 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ewald1712 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Brando48559 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Garrett70861 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Seba01453 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Reyes89029 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Felton36802 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Erwin84597 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ambrose185575 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Wyatt102888 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Marc177797 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Edd5512 got 15 VHTV Coins, @armydad48 got 15 VHTV Coins, @BigJock21 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Arjun117395 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Randy40354 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Isac207863 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Magister got 15 VHTV Coins, @Salvatore145305 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Durward9336 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Florencio129577 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Sidney7643 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Beau170556 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Barney1217 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tracey208076 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Blaise42371 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Leo200584 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Darius178736 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Borbora got 25 VHTV Coins, @Zechariah4765 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Oswald870 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Arnold82164 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Stefan174325 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Christop146896 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Noah206472 got 15 VHTV Coins, @taptap got 15 VHTV Coins, @badone779 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Cortez117570 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Korey101875 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Roosevelt6764 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Hillard164918 got 25 VHTV Coins, @house123 got 15 VHTV Coins, @rr6W1aPpEa got 30 VHTV Coins, @Wolf17 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Squish got 25 VHTV Coins, @phil4466 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Dwight68096 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Newton31418 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Santiago6862 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Sofia101012 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Hyman135717 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Gordon145664 got 20 VHTV Coins, @sqsx1101 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Rowland153026 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Darian5153 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Billy195154 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jesse194374 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ola207845 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Chandler185790 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Carmine109435 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Glennie60142 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ed191210 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alexie14256 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Omer191920 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Easton207656 got 30 VHTV Coins, @SmartMale got 15 VHTV Coins, @Judah112495 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jedidiah31084 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Floyd842 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Gerard9481 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Robs2611 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Dell117905 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Condorman got 15 VHTV Coins, @Heisenberg got 20 VHTV Coins, @ebo got 15 VHTV Coins, @Logan123171 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Milan181253 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Herman3380 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Wasper got 15 VHTV Coins, @Judah7600 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Turm got 30 VHTV Coins, @Burley140458 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Raoul41942 got 15 VHTV Coins, @WARIO got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jerome188817 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Gruefu got 30 VHTV Coins, @Zachary8030 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rasheed89082 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Julian205381 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Oda144942 got 30 VHTV Coins, @McXer25 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Santos185648 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Bluewinner got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kelley137416 got 25 VHTV Coins, @q0w0wxxlXg got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alec34379 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Riley52161 got 20 VHTV Coins, @HendrikIV got 15 VHTV Coins, @TenXRing got 30 VHTV Coins, @Damion69221 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jerald56974 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cristobal101425 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Alec207836 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Orland131913 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lemuel4186 got 20 VHTV Coins, @WC_Chiffonier got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kacey16468 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Owen100399 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Coleman4769 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Brian180554 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Dunmail got 25 VHTV Coins, @Zachery1989 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Chester87986 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Demario181661 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Moises17265 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Moshe192027 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Mason146151 got 25 VHTV Coins, @colman32 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Deven7423 got 20 VHTV Coins, @MSERHAT76 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Stephen24889 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Keshaun269 got 20 VHTV Coins, @vermis got 20 VHTV Coins, @Mario5536 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tod160503 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Arda got 15 VHTV Coins, @vitrseverni got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kelley103094 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Hotbird6996 got 30 VHTV Coins, @GIfq8qaxCm got 15 VHTV Coins, @Giovanny9058 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Steve193176 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Oscar109562 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Henri197404 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Hiramitsuki got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jnex85 got 15 VHTV Coins, @delboy got 15 VHTV Coins, @Henderson10390 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Osborne6625 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Andre7318 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kamren196453 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kennedi57751 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Amos197637 got 25 VHTV Coins, @4l3AEidsXn got 25 VHTV Coins, @Chadd7979 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ben70932 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Mariano116 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Zane133930 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Republic_of_Texas got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jaydon52468 got 25 VHTV Coins, @JulianInCT170821 got 20 VHTV Coins, @zsoli_77 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Juvenal160650 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Abel131567 got 15 VHTV Coins, @JamesDeen23 got 25 VHTV Coins, @eccentric_arcanist got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alfonzo6471 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Feuervogel4711 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Buford206690 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Rowland129336 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Myron207932 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ted176961 got 25 VHTV Coins, @maiky got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tyree17343 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Salva got 20 VHTV Coins, @Chase182827 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Davidoff got 15 VHTV Coins, @iain got 20 VHTV Coins, @Paolo got 15 VHTV Coins, @rainer008 got 30 VHTV Coins, @LarsUrich got 15 VHTV Coins, @Johan184394 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Landen101124 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kade181727 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jaleel65357 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lambert14993 got 15 VHTV Coins, @loungermans got 15 VHTV Coins, @Sammy83218 got 25 VHTV Coins, @XMisak got 25 VHTV Coins, @Esteban200154 got 15 VHTV Coins, @jabbath1987 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ewell206591 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Mathew70749 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Antwan122710 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jason200608 got 25 VHTV Coins, @russo.arturo got 30 VHTV Coins, @Waylon207621 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Stephon6336 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Diamond35436 got 15 VHTV Coins, @August112880 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Merl82202 got 20 VHTV Coins, @RemediaAmoris got 20 VHTV Coins, @Braxton143890 got 15 VHTV Coins, @CamPunk got 20 VHTV Coins, @Sedrick163709 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rupert26557 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Orland16737 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Sylvan119046 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Larry203071 got 15 VHTV Coins, @JonR got 20 VHTV Coins, @Showmego got 15 VHTV Coins, @Humberto160992 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Alex3085 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Domenico168109 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Deemo6291 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Raymundo66126 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tanner72159 got 20 VHTV Coins, @LOVEFEET got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cedrick152720 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Sylvan15612 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Garrison85888 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Elwin85323 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lucious199540 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Devonte82264 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Larry_Sauna got 30 VHTV Coins, @Otis98184 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kitman got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ford149371 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Abdul103742 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Quentin90094 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Arely163210 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Tea-Bag got 20 VHTV Coins, @Crawford207984 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Oren201750 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Rylan14490 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Evert86941 got 20 VHTV Coins, @John78 got 15 VHTV Coins, @WolfieSmith got 15 VHTV Coins, @Reid15925 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Felix27250 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Camren85204 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kennith69580 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Adrien223 got 25 VHTV Coins, @USABiGuy got 15 VHTV Coins, @EzV4YVB922 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jeff46966 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Buddy207226 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Terry12291 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Thunder70 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Luciano7088 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Bandaids got 25 VHTV Coins, @Immanuel164177 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ryley191911 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Keyon7366 got 30 VHTV Coins, @MPels2021 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Rylan70251 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jace198438 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Gabriel162838 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Torrance10400 got 15 VHTV Coins, @stanley got 25 VHTV Coins, @Dudley17264 got 20 VHTV Coins, @karrie.steples got 15 VHTV Coins, @Craig14052 got 20 VHTV Coins, @dcai1Sct5P got 20 VHTV Coins, @Virgil185547 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Humberto195780 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Gennaro15515 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ellsworth128238 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ole167841 got 20 VHTV Coins, @3MKYJlHx2H got 15 VHTV Coins, @Americo154298 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Brayan137215 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kieran148125 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Johnathan148309 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Paolo134333 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Sherri got 25 VHTV Coins, @Victor1297 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Alli got 20 VHTV Coins, @Max72997 got 30 VHTV Coins, @wild got 15 VHTV Coins, @Issac16311 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lenny914 got 20 VHTV Coins, @xelafine got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cody7169 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Terrill65742 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jaren10761 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Damien167625 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Freddie19384 got 15 VHTV Coins, @GladNGrumpy got 15 VHTV Coins, @Vance200828 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Devante57467 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ted155325 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Joseph16907 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Eddie89096 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tyshawn171181 got 20 VHTV Coins, @2VMEXMvEot got 20 VHTV Coins, @Francis98460 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jason30027 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Reginald114684 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Noel187422 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Earnest24028 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ligar_Sasso6152 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kelley174220 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Braeden106626 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Orval197336 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Reyes2945 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Luketto got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kacey132594 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Casey207054 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Gunnar119039 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Hubert96601 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Gordon132954 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Monro got 15 VHTV Coins, @Larue132994 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Milan52976 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Everardo207676 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Linwood190670 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Monroe62261 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Esteban12054 got 20 VHTV Coins, @maxitoro300 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Adolph68980 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Boris_J_46 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Rusty110492 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Felipe167668 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Garrison183654 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jasmin124468 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Deondre207822 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Augustus4466 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kenny116819 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Frederick207246 got 20 VHTV Coins, @MaxX got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lavon129511 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Moses178451 got 30 VHTV Coins, @je-moeder_0546 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jarvis170129 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Aomega001 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Mack161455 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jerrold5031 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Marco198317 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kacey167966 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Bud168817 got 15 VHTV Coins, @3MjpB49JTK got 25 VHTV Coins, @Irving2788 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Moises190248 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tyshawn2739 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Terrance70150 got 20 VHTV Coins, @roboblue got 20 VHTV Coins, @dikoleko got 30 VHTV Coins, @Johnson172142 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Marlon196012 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Morris200225 got 15 VHTV Coins, @KbVnceB0BG got 25 VHTV Coins, @Marlon131353 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Charlie150940 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Alexys189964 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Cordell57239 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Sage64993 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tyree199482 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Stash got 15 VHTV Coins, @max21017 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Brant129693 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Emory100981 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Stan57690 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Tad134179 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Barry98798 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tyrique36754 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Marlin180033 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Dp7 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kelton20296 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Raleigh132114 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jamey200097 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Brandt207991 got 30 VHTV Coins, @shadowd42 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jack got 20 VHTV Coins, @Johnny79066 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Emerald208120 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jabari85962 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jaylan129347 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jarod528 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Claude152309 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Juston63633 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Walter199168 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Macey40222 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Russel175583 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lawrence137935 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Domenick164675 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Muhammad187906 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Van864 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Sherman172300 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Noldus got 15 VHTV Coins, @Baylee114669 got 25 VHTV Coins, @niala got 15 VHTV Coins, @Louvenia186123 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Hiram135534 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Gerald199609 got 15 VHTV Coins, @alanp4646 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Bertha132724 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Bobbie22770 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Titus166126 got 25 VHTV Coins, @pees123 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Austen10861 got 25 VHTV Coins, @quickie69 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Winston177584 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Gaston27938 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Trevion96988 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lon164399 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jarrod110679 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Mortimer17002 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Hudson185836 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Arturo109746 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jules206820 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Aric168554 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lexus127178 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lane155905 got 15 VHTV Coins, @lun got 15 VHTV Coins, @lampre77 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Billy153106 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Torrance163175 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Arturo100601 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Enid197982 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Rashad208058 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Dusty66 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Isaiah90060 got 15 VHTV Coins, @maglew got 15 VHTV Coins, @Buford115273 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jimmy130009 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Disneykid got 15 VHTV Coins

Now please welcome to participate into VHTV Best Apartment Poll #25: VHTV Best Apartment Poll #25

Thank you VHTV for the coins!

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Thanks for the coins, I love you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 Like

Thank You VHTV You’re the best :heart_hands:

1 Like

thahks for the coins


bu paraları nerede ve nasıl kullanıyoruz

If you are a Premium member, you can buy videos from the Archive with them, otherwise you could donate them to you favorite apartments!

Or you could copy them straight from the screen if you have the patience :laughing:

I think that could lead to legal conflicts.

Very risky

Nobody would know anyway after all everyone takes screen shots all the time. .

Why? Who would know?

But I think that might be the real reason Debbie avoids sex on cam.

Yeah maybe but that will always happen, it’s unavoidable, and nobody is able to stop it unfortunately.
Companies can stop people downloading certain files but they can do nothing about people taking screen shots or screen videos.
The software is out there for this very purpose many of which is completely free.

Thank you. :ok_hand: