Otto & Lola

I don’t remember her🤔 Is she worth looking up and watching her?

I know you’re “joking”, but i can not deny that i would love to see Roisin again, unfortunately, Yan said that she has a bf now and he’s not letting her to come anymore :cry:

She was a guest at Yan & Evelyn’s. like i said she is a wild one. :wink:


The girl was the first girl that Yan had sex with her even though Evelyn was in the next room.

During the last visit, Yan “wasn’t allowed or didn’t want to”. The two boys who had fun are now taken.

Basically she fucks anything that appears

She was insatiable last time and hard to please.

Will Yan stand such a woman in the long run?

The quality that she had to deal in her vh visits is quite low for her sk__ls

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He practiced by wanking all morning :joy: :joy:

K I will look her up then :grinning:

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I think it’s supposed to be a business partnership. Yan just has to be careful not to be replaced at some point.

By a fucking-machine? :joy:

He doesn’t bother with that, there is a big list of them on wiki to be used. As long as he keeps fucking he will keep rotating through 33 and 25

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They do make a good looking couple :heart:

He may got one that even Yan can’t satisfy. :joy::joy:

It is a little bit funny to see Yan doing Aderyn’s & Guido’s job now :laughing:

yan è lola che deve dirti di smettere con quel telefono.da solo non ci arrivi

peccato perchè con otto e lola è un bello appartamento ma quando ci sei tu con questo maledetto telefono diventa inguardabile

Is it Yan you have the problem with or is it phones? :thinking:

penso solamente che come serieta con ariele e seb sia abissale…non mi piace persone sempre con telefono è come isolarsi non è corretto con che ti invita

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