On posting lots of images within condensed period of time

Hey everyone,

With today’s update let me introduce automatic image gallery. The logic is simple: From at least 3 images in a row, forum software will remake those into masonry gallery type: image

It works very fast, though it may take some time for post to be re-built in order to make thumbnails clickable.

We may change the default auto-gallery type to Slides (as they are bigger to show single image without clicking it to enlarge), but for now we have what we have.

As usual, you can choose your style of posting the gallery by selecting one of three possible options:

  • Slick Gallery (slides)
  • Grid Gallery (classic grid)
  • Masonry Grid Gallery (new type)


Masonry may replace classic grid in the future as it is more versatile but requires user to post images with the same aspect ratio if user wants their gallery to look even.

Here’s a short test for several images I just dragged and dropped into composer window as I write this:

oil-painting-colorful-original-acrylic-color-canvas antique-bust-male-with-carnations-bouquet-hat artistic-texture-paint-brush-stroke people-are-colored-fluorescent-powder-pair-lovers-dancing-disco blue-liquid-marble-background-diy-flowing-texture-experimental-art colorful-3d-shapes-vaporwave-style

P.S. As I posted it, forum showed me an error, saying I can only include 5 files in one post (why was there such a limit?). Anyway, I just raised this limit to 15. Please don’t break the forum and enjoy your updated experience! :smiley:

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