
i tried to be positive but my gut feeling since the start is that none of them will be back

Evidence were strong this time….! :upside_down_face:and none of them will come back…. :sob:

something to do with the manager but we will probably never no what happend

I never really followed that 2 realms but I do the others, will be sad if we lost them :cry:

I think it’s about ‘D’

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yeah me too it was a risk calling the police when you have the cameras and they will start asking questions about them

Of the offline realms, I really only miss KristyKrabbs & Timotheo. It would be a real pity for the two of them, as they make a great couple.

If the manager messed up, it can’t be that the participants have to suffer. A new manager would have to be found and everything could continue.

It’s all crap if you have to stay in the dark like this… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

100% agreed. The only one i will miss as well :cry:

no views no checkout leaving the project

I asked support and they said they do not have any new information at all. So there is also no information about realms 71 and 74 leaving the project.

It seems that support has NO clue whatsoever as what the situation is. Nothing new here

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you are probably right but i will wait until after 2 weeks before i say anything else

Another good reason for locating apartments in (ooops nearly gave it away). Let us say in or around the Indian sub-continent!

answer from support no information about tenants-they left the project

This is a contradiction to itself.

If they had left the project, that would be information…

aka i got a reply twice

Then everything is the same. Support probably doesn’t have a clue either, or they can’t or aren’t allowed to share.

earlier they wrote that they would be back in 2 weeks now that they left

We can only wait.

I have new Infos very soon :wink: