Nude House

His time will come - I hope. If he can lick June’s breasts, why can’t June lick his balls?

Tell me he didn’t just pee in the kitchen sink while she was cooking.


it’s good that at least not in the saucepan and that this is a guy and not a girl :rofl:

Fucking pig (apologies to pigs). Not fucking normal and yet they think they are entertaining viewers. June should have taken the pot and hit his dick with it. Fuck me entertainment keeps sinking to lower levels on VHTV when you thought rock bottom had been hit.

It’s not only disgusting, it’s just down right lazy. How hard is it to go to the fucken loo?

Continuing the discussion from Nude House:

I wouldn’t want to be preparing food in that sink

Agree with you.
Despite the fact I wouldnt mind if toilets are more vissible on VHTV, this behavioure of this guy is not what I like to see. There need to be some hygienic, this is far from that.

They’re kind of crazy, but I like it.

pissing in the sink??? WTF??? what a pig

All the more reason not to view this place. Pissing in a sink, in bottles and we are supposed to roar our appreciation. If June leave this place, this place dies.

Dirty bastard and all those splashes as well…YUK :-1:

Plumbing of a kitchen sink is totally not made for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Definately not and not exactly the kind of food seasoning to be appreciated :rofl:

Borscht a la piss :rofl: :rofl: :see_no_evil:

Excuse me while i go and throw up :rofl: not exactly ala carte :-1:

Not only does the guy piss everywhere , no, the sofa won’t last much longer due to the incorrect use of the chair on it. :neutral_face:

As I said three days ago, Jaro’s strategy is to be outrageous which is why you are all watching and wringing your hands. Conversely I doubt anyone is watching grandma and grandma.

Actually the last pissing in the kitchen sink made sure I no longer click on this apartment.

But, finally, correct use :grinning: