Nude house v2

je ne me souviens plus des noms car je regardais rarement ce cirque qui n’était qu’un assemblage de plusieurs participants venant parfois d’autres appartements. Ce so-called Nude House V2 can open, that dont impress me much more than the first one. so open it and we will see…

Having read through the comments on John’s proposal of version 2 of Nude House, it seems the response has been somewhat mixed with people in favour and people against. Bearing in mind I was not a VHTV member when version 1 of Nude House was online, the idea John posted intrigued me. I for one would be in favour of it happening and see how it develops.

Perhaps those that are against the idea could put forward some suggestions on what they would like to see on VHTV going forward.

Do you know who didn’t like the original Nude House?

The Participant’s didn’t like it… If you don’t believe me, ask Montana.

Stop trying to get participants to do things they don’t want to do or are not comfortable with. :sweat_smile:

That was never mentioned!

New participants should be found who like the concept and should therefore participate in it. Of course, this does not exclude that already known participants can participate if they want to.

Which of course explains why they all conducted themselves perfectly calmly and with not the slightest sign of discomfort from ANY of them who were seen totally naked for quite long periods of time during any given day at the house.

Perfect examples being Jarro, June, Grischa, Aldon (sometimes), Pasha, Arina (sometimes)…you know, all the ones who HATED (yes to be fair, my wording, not yours) being naked on camera so they were, most of the time!

Sorry but how does any of that equal participants not liking it?

Montana mentioned it in a PM to me. She said no one liked living in the Nude House very much. I I sent her a PM back when people were theorizing what might be instore for the +7 participants. It was back when a lot of the +7 realms went offline at once. One guess was they might be planning to open up another large group house soon. I sent her a PM asking what was happening. She said they would not be opening up another of group house as no one liked living like that much.

It just guys to show you what we may think the participants/guests like is not always the truth. Maybe we all should take the time to ask the participants sometimes rather than just assuming things.

Yes, agreed but shouldn’t managers also be doing that?

I will only answer with this to your massive non sense

You can also easily go through the time line and guess what? They are almost 24/7 NAKED in this Realm

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What?? Sure, but that’s not really the point. The point is most people including yourself assumed they like living in the Nude House and Crazy House. The reality was the opposite. However, I am now relalizing there was no real way to ask +7 participants how they felt during that time. It wasn’t until after those realms closed that +7 participants started being more active on the forum.

Honestly, i don’t need to read that PM. Watching Montana, Eva, Roza, Edrym Realm i can see that they are almost non stop naked. So what should i believe first? They seem happy together to me and that is enough

Well naturally I can not speak for the aforementioned “most people” but for MY OWN part, no such assumption was considered necessary (nor was it actually necessary) when I saw what I saw on a daily basis. The guys ( I watched the guys mostly and I know you understand my reasoning there) would not have been naked if they didn’t feel happy to be. I very much doubt they were being f___ed into it. Paid yes - of course, that’s only right that they should be paid to do it - but not f___ed.

I think the idea @John78 is proposing is an excellent idea.

The idea of couples wishing to join Nude House are f___ed to go nude is a nonsense, all John is saying is they make a voluntary commitment to go nude, there is a difference.

The idea of having an apartment with an indoor pool, fitness area and possibly a sauna are all fresh ideas which as far as I am aware have not happened on VHTV before. I am aware there is a sauna in Lesley’s apartment where the cameras are not fit for purpose for the sauna, so the cameras would have to be better to cope with a sauna in Nude House.

The idea of location is important. I am sure many relocations are due to complaints from neighbours, so for Nude House to have a chance to succeed it has to be positioned in quite a secluded area. It would be great if it could become a permanent fixture, where many couples over the years could take advantage of its facilities.

This is an idea and that is all it is at the present time, however a manager and VHTV may take the idea on board and seriously look at the prospect of it happening, I certainly hope that is the case.

I have read through the comments on here and there are some that are criticising the idea. Criticism is fine providing it is constructive, but alas I see nothing constructive in the negative comments I have read regarding this idea.

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It’d only be interesting for the first 5 mins, then your eyes get used to it and it becomes boring fast.

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A typical non constructive criticism.

First of all, Thank you Timmy for your ON TOPIC comment. This is exactly what this Topic is intended to be, an idea/theme for future place/places where something different and exciting can happen. The indoor pool, fitness area, sauna, was what i could think off as new features, there might be also different ones and i was hopping that other members will come with some ideas as well. Quite sad that instead of this, some people have chosen to attack me personally for a completely different matter, but i was expecting it, so no surprise. I have also noticed that other members said that they prefer sometimes to see girls wearing lingerie/stockings, well, having a place where participants are nude, doesn’t mean that the other places don’t exist anymore. All in all, i still hope that in the end there will be some ideas coming here and some managers or VHTV will “fish” for them.

Oh, so exactly like the Nude House v1. :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl:

@John78 I’m more than happy to support you with the idea you are proposing. I’m also sorry you are being attacked and criticised for what you are proposing. At least you have the courage to put your head above the par__et and put your idea forward. I’m sure your idea could be built upon further with more exciting features and I hope a manager and VHTV give it serious consideration.

As I said constructive criticism is always welcome, but all the negative comments I have seen are just bemoaning your idea. Not only are they bemoaning your idea but they are not saying anything in return on what they would like to see on VHTV going forward. I suppose it is easier to criticise and much harder to come up with fresh ideas. I guess that is the world we live in today.

It sounds like a college fraternity or sorority house would be a good starting point! for this type of setup.

But don’t forget… always with managers finding people in “voluntary commitment” to that system

This topic is a great example that it is no longer possible to have a normal discussion on things here. :man_facepalming: People always steer it off topic and make stupid comments. And an example a forum without moderation does not work. I will now move all the off topic s__t where it belongs to…