Nude house v2

After a couple of private conversations about the idea i have realised that a lot of people (Including me) liked the concept of the first Nude House #realm88 and we really wish to get something like that back. So here are our thoughts about such a place and we would be happy to hear about how other members think about that?

  • Most important the naked rule (Well not rule but voluntary commitment of participants)
  • House or big apartment with good heating or in warm area
  • Nice to have when have a secluded outside area with pool and maybe pool indoors and fitness area.
  • Attention that eventual noise won’t trigger landlord and / or neighbours and lead to relocation…
  • At least four (better more) open minded and adventurous people (Guys and girls) who like the concept of being naked all the time and also have no problem when others see them naked.

Well I like the idea as long as it is a voluntary commitment and everybody there is comfortable I do not see a reason against that. :+1: :wink:

Nice idea, but you’re probably wasting your time; under current circumstances, that could be achieved in Colombia maybe, but not anywhere in Europe for sure;

Halfway attractive is a requirement

We? :laughing:

S__tty idea like was the other one. Voluntary commitment considering the management system made me laugh :smile: :smile:

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Why do you think so? :wink:

They can be pick up at indexxx, seems there is a lot of ones to choose there to join the project with that “voluntary commitment” :joy: :joy:

Because that would be already done earlier;

Pornstars? They already showed multiple times to be the most boring people on the site…

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You really think so? Creativity of managers to me seems to be very limited :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

Well, you made clear yours, not sure now about what other one you talking, this is only the second topic i open after L&W apartment Topic

if this is V2, perhaps i’m talking about the V1, no??

Creativity of managers is limited by a little number of people who would eventually apply, and then be accepted to participate in the project;

So you want a new realm that the participants that are naked and I presume have lots of sex? :+1:

So you want them to act like Pornstars :thinking:

What maybe boring for you might not be for others, I think M&H is boring do I go there and lower the tone in the chat of that place? No I respect other people to view it in peace.

Ohh i see now, myself i liked a lot that idea, the way was done wasn’t very good in my opinion. This is why i opened this topic, to get feedback and see if there is enough support for something similar (but properly done this time) if someone decides that it’s profitable

Nah pornstars pretend to be horny and in everyday life they are just boring. I want genuine people there…

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All sex workers are genuine too, but you would probably like to see ordinary people who live, as we often say, next door; so my answer is: forget, there are no such people :+1:

We already had people like that so I do not think it is impossible…

But they were all swingers or webcam models;

What is the problem of them being swingers?