Nina & Kira

Nina has just confirmed me for the 7 years

Can we put this to rest already, please? I too have an archived clip of the wedding day, 2015. I would post it but I doubt VH allows pics from RLC on here. :roll_eyes:


d’accord, ma mĂ©moire n’a aucun argument contre ça

It was 8, January 2016 :wink:

Nina en personne vient de me dire : “We celebrate 7 years”

So I guess the 8 Jan 2015 ceremony, with Nina in a poofy white dress and Kira in a tux, and about 10 other guests in attendance, was just a rehearsal, and they decided to wait a whole fuggin year to perform the real one? Yeaahhhhh, okay. :roll_eyes:

What can be seen on the picture

Kira’s feet on the wedding day.Nina had a wedding dress

Check your files :wink: (the date I saved the file to Dropbox N&K

This is the text on the file t

Noldus I just told you that exactly 40 minutes ago I sent a message to Nina to ask her how many years of marriage they were and she answered me: 7 YEARS. you still don’t want me to give you his contact details. The text of your file is wronges.

la cena di natale la fanno 8 gennaio?

You can ask them to check again :wink:

The Russian Orthodox Church (+ Serbian and Georgian Orthodox Church) celebrates Christmas on January 7 and 8.

ok non lo sapevo grazie per l’informazione

The only way to set them straight is to get Nina and/or Kira to look at the cams and tell them right directly. :wink:

for those who imagine that I have no relationship with girls and that I invent

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basta con sto cazzo di cellulare brucialo appena puoi