Nina & Kira

Easter is the same date throughout the Christian world. Also the time change of the clocks is the same in Europe the last Sunday in March and then the last Sunday in October.

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Remarks :
the whole world is not christian, even in europe many other religions.
All European countries do not change their time(Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, etc.)
Concerning Easter, orthodox Christians will celebrate it on May 5, Catholics on March 31.
Lots of imprecision in your words

No imprecision at all, Iain just mentioned the christian world, you are just trying to be too clever and troublesome.
I was always brought up to believe if you haven’t anything better to say it’s best to keep quiet.,

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as per ussual . thats why i have never corresponded with him


Sorry, you don’t have to be intelligent to know that the entire Christian world does not celebrate Easter on the same date as Iain says and that all European countries do not change time in March and October.

orthodox christians and Christians have an entirely different belief system as as he mentioned christians and not orthodox christians your argument holds no water

Maybe then you shouldn’t mix with all us thicko’s on here as i am sure you could find more intelligent beings to mix with.
Iain was probably just making a generalisation and was not trying to be as pedantic and controversial as you obviously want to be.
Good evening to you.

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It is your right to believe false things.

Christian churches are grouped into different branches, the main ones being Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and Protestantism (with its evangelical branch) representing respectively 51%, 11% and 37% of the total Christians.

what Iain said is correct the othe guy doesn’t know the difference between orthox christian and christian which is fundimental :v:

Independently of Christians and Orthodox Christians:

In the southern hemisphere of the world, for example, Easter is celebrated in autumn in Chile, South Africa and Australia… :wink:

The other guy tells you what you say is completely false. I invite you to review the history of Christianity.
The other knows perfectly well the difference between Orthodox Christians and Catholic or Protestant Christians.

I know that we will go into the chamber of chatters but Aussies celebrate easter as the rest of the Western World.

Does Australia celebrate Easter?

Most people in Australia celebrate the Easter holiday. Some do this for religious reasons, however, just like Christmas, Easter has become less about religion for many people in Australia. Others simply enjoy the long weekend, with many states and territories recognising two public holidays – Good Friday and Easter Monday. People might head to Mass at their local church, gather for a meal with family, or catch up with friends.

A common tradition for c___dren (but you can enjoy it, too!) involves embarking on hunts in the park or backyards to find chocolate eggs delivered by the mythical Easter bunny or bilby. Another popular Easter activity in Australia is enjoying hot cross buns. These are sweet, spiced buns, usually filled with dried fruit, like raisins.

Because Easter often coincides with the beginning of the Australian Rules Football season, games are spread out across the long weekend. This usually means two games on Good Friday, with a rare Monday game held on Easter Monday.


That’s right. Still, they celebrate it in the fall!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know very well the history of cristianity i wrote a thesis on it in university

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so you know very well that the orthodox are Christians and that they do not celebrate Easter on the same date as the Catholics :wink:

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Please accept my apologies I forgot that Easter happens to be in the fall. in the Southern Hemisphere just as Christmas is celebrated in Mid Summer. You are quite right . :rofl:


I never ssid orthox christian were not christians i said they have a different set
Of beliefs to regular christians

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After these discussions on Christianity (VH is subject to all kinds of heated discussions) let’s return to the subject of this post: the fantastic Nina and Kira


AND that just goes to show how boring this realm is , that its forum topic as to resort to religion to stay active ,
Im Out See Ya GIF by UFC


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: