Nina & Kira

Normalement pas pour aujourd’hui. Mais césarienne, le bébé est trop gros.

avec ou sans péridurale?

Kira must be a little nervous by now I but it will be worth it in the end🤱Is Nina with her?

elle va avoir une occupation agréable avec son enfant.

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If you are going to have one, have a big one

un grand quoi ?

What I meant was they Said Kira was having a big baby🤱 It’s an old English saying (if you are going to have one ),have big one)

Refrazer any news yet on Kira?

Nina ne peut pas être avec elle, seul la famille y a droit. Elle va accoucher seule :smiling_face_with_tear:. C’est une des choses qui la rendait parfois triste. Surement demain

That’s quite sad that, at the end of the day they’re both going to be his parents :cry:

nina should also be part of the family this is one of the many laws I hate both in my country (Italy) and in others too … I thought my country sucked as rights for lesbian trans homosexuals etc … instead also other countries suck like us …

pays où le mariage homosexuel est autorisé

seulement 32 pays sur 195 (reconnus par l’ONU).

you see I was right the Italian politicians are still stuck in the 30s … (obviously I dissociate myself from their thinking) … :rage:

politicos votados por el pueblo

I will never vote for them …

in Italy they do what they want even without us citizens voting …

Creo que la democracia italiana es una buena democracia, y no olvides si no votas no te quejes,

I agree with you you cannot complain about the state if you are someone who does not vote but I have always voted but nothing changes (the Italian right says that the family must be composed only of male and female and instead the left says that everyone and free to do what he wants and a continuous war that has lasted for years) …

3 nouveaux pays cette année ça bouge un peut.