Nina & Kira

non on lui a dit qu’elle était pas prête. Peut être pas besoins de césarienne

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ok thanks for the information anyway I hope everything goes well … :+1:

stockage au grenier


I will watch as much of them as is possible. It is good to see both of the girls again.

For one, I am happy to see them again. The baby will come when it is ready. The longer it is kept in the oven the safer it may be

In case you didn’t see it in the other topic.


Thank you for the translation :+1:it might be looking good in the future,let’s hope

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She has told me that: " The doctor said that if the delivery does not come until Wednesday, by Wednesday in any case I will be admitted to the hospital and there they will already induce the birth, because a long delay is bad"


I looks like Kira might possibly be having a natural birth🤱

Robwin agree with you, then among other things the empty house makes me so sad. The two girls lived their daily lives with all the ups and downs of a normal life. Theirs was one of the truest houses on VHTV, with their sad moments and happy moments, unlike other houses that look like the bad copy of big brother.


In a contest between BB and the girls . The girls are more natural they would win easily

Link removed at it reveals a lot of private details

Somebody could make a fortune on VH by putting on an empty house seeming that so many of you daft buggers like looking at an empty house :rofl:
No food expenses. no electricity needed etc etc you would make a fortune :rofl:

Have the girls installed cameras in their apartment in readiness for when they find another project?

tu devrais essayer. Tu sais beaucoup de gens peuvent rester des heures à regarder un tableau de Monet C’est pareil ici, regarder les affaires des filles quel bonheur :rofl:


It looks like a scene from Jurassic Park with the dinosaur s__t :poop: :rofl: :rofl:


Any news on the baby front?

Pas encore arrivé (hier soir) Kira construisais un meuble


Un tableau de Claude Monet, intitulé “Meule” et partie d’une série du peintre français, a été adjugé 81,4 millions de dollars (76,38 millions d’euros en novembre 2016) , un record pour l’artiste, lors d’enchères organisées à New York par la maison Christie’s


She never gives up,instead of taking it easy