Nina & Kira

Go and troll somewhere else

Havenā€™t you got the message yet ,you are not welcome here,pestering N & K all the time,Theyā€™ve got more important to think about at this moment in time ,like Kira is about to have her baby Now go and find another site

He did not ask something bad at all. Watch your language.

He did not troll at all. Watch you language.

Is that better Iā€™ve changed the language to go

ALGECIRAS is a pure twat though and not the sharpest tool in the box. :man_facepalming:

But he did nothing against the forums rules. So it is not okay to call him a troll.

Not calling him a troll, as I am calling him a twat :rofl: :rofl:

Take a look at his other posts on other forums. :blush:

Escribo.poco solo aqui y en Amelie y Lucas. Pero que os habeis creido? Solo he escrito y he dado una opinion. El foro es vuestro? He llegado a pensar si verdaderamente alguno esta bien de la cabeza. Pago como todo el mundo y puedo dar mi opinion como todos sin faltar el respeto como.lo hago. Y si opino que kira le tendrĆ­a que comer el pussy a Nira pues lo digo

Iā€™m sure you are able to use the search button and look at his many repetitive posts regarding sex between the girls and the answers he has been given.

But perhaps this forum has different rules to the many others I frequent and some I moderate on. On those places this repetitiveness would be considered trolling.

Aqui se habla cuando y de que querais

Of course you can, but only if it doesnā€™t disrespect others on here and more importantly the participants.

Creo que en ningun momento he faltado el respeto


Even then in the kitchenā€¦ :heart_eyes:


I still say that was the best apartment,but now they have their own house,times change

@jabbath1987 is there a way to delete them from the forum they are clogging it with this spam ā€¦

I canā€™t do that. Only @VHTV_James can do it

OK I write to them ā€¦ :+1:

@VHTV_James you can delete this person from the forum he is clogging him with these spam ā€¦ (he is writing to every participant) ā€¦@Jessica7 @Cindy9 thank youā€¦

How about moving them to a thread called ā€˜Deleted Spamā€™ and just close it and keep adding them there?