Nikki, Arina

Who on earth are you meaning pal :roll_eyes: :joy:



i wonder mate possibly the same man who goes out of his way to talk the same excrement about this place everyday even tho it would be easy just not to click and watch :rofl::rofl::+1: but yet you cant seem to help yourself i think its an illness with you

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Not my fault she’s a lazy sod and spends more time in bed than anywhere else and goes out for any excitement. :roll_eyes:
I don’t spend any more time here than i do anywhere else in fact much less in fact but then, none so blind as them that can’t see eh :joy:

stop lying you have an alarm set saying time to have a dig at nikki’s :rofl::rofl: then henry and whoever is on the agenda on that day

I will have a dig at anyone who warrants it pal, isn’t that one thing a public forum is for is for opinions?
If you don’t like what i say or take objection to it that’s not my problem really. :wink:

go for it if thats all the happiness in your life to bring negativity that is unwarranted what ever makes you happy bringing negativity to a porn forum seems abit sad in my opinion but hey im bout 30 years younger than you and have been brought up in a different generation so who am i to spoil your agenda enjoy pal

Whoooo wow you got it bad over Nikki eh :joy:
Perhaps you could encourage her to be a bit more adventurous then with your younger generation views :joy:
Negativity attracts negativity pal or hadn’t you noticed and vice versa, again not my fault or problem.

nope nikki is attactive but i much prefer 3 or 4 other girls on vhtv i dont have it bad for anybody but my wife i dont feel the need to sprout constant negativity like you do thats why you top most forum pages but get on with it as i say you pay for the right to do so so enjoy yourself some of us arnt so sad and have better things to do than try and have digs and people im off to the cinema with the kids cya

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Hope you enjoy yourself pal what will you be watching, Bambi? :wink:

haha no the kids are teenagers going to see a horror

Wow, scary stuff eh, enjoy :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :two_hearts:

Note the positivity :joy:

:rofl::rofl: glad to see it




Nikki apartment

:yawning_face: :yawning_face:



:lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: