Nikki, Arina

Some only speak when I criticize that it’s your case, I understand why you do it, some only read what I write when I criticize, but say nothing when I praise residents and guests that it’s your case again, there are good residents and guests but not here in this shy apartment there is not 1 image made in any other way, except on the 1st day of the guests and some “camshow”, they always hide, I praise several residents just read everything I say, and not just what Interested in reading, I repeat shy apartment 2 apartment category

Snow White Reaction GIF

there can be more show in Nikki’s apartment

You only criticize when there are no lights on or you criticize when they are under the covers that’s all you complain about in all the rooms

I take it you guys have noticed that lights on or off not a lot has been happening recently here

No matter how much I see Nikki I can’t understand her attitude! The truth is that at this stage he is disappointing me! Before it was a real bomb! Undoubtedly one of my favorites, beautiful, precious body, with an incredible personality…now I don’t understand what’s wrong with her. This is not the Nikki I met and fell in love with!

Well I have to agree she is not the Nikki of old but maybe she is just easing back into it at a slower pace

Yes I have but if you read what he said it is the same thing in every room if the lights are not on

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Let’s face it since Nikki came online the only real action was the guest girl,( Nora I think her name is) with the other guest girl and she hasn’t been seen for ages now.As far as I’m concerned the lack of “action” here supercedes the "lights on/off issue.

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I remember Nikki being bisexual (with a strong preference for men), so hopefully she plays with girls again.

It’s the same Nikki as before. Nikki was never really interesting, she’s lazy and just does what she’s told. What made Nikki interesting was Archi. Archi guided Nikki through her then managers’ shows. Without Archi, Nikki is just plain boring.

Wonder where Nia is, not seen her for a while and think Nora may be missing her slightly?
Nikki seems to have a got a right boring so and so.

I fail to see any real interest in Nikki. Have no idea why she is wasting her time here. Another recycled tenant with nothing to offer that we haven’t already seen from here a million times before. Mostly she just seems lazy and bored. When she’s even there.

so, she is bisexual

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Yep she seems to rely on Nora & Nia having it off which has been good but Nia seems to have gone AWOL recently which is a shame.

camera 7 didnt work and still dont work


Video not in archive

Did you request it??

there was more action , this is from yesterday


With light what happens? Nothing like usual, or 99.99 percent of the time, very shy Nikki and her boyfriend

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