New langage speaking in realms

hello everybody,

just one little question for the people working in vhtv, will be new realms with poeple speaking langages other than russians, maybe english??

They will, as soon as there will be a responsible management to launch & run apartments in other parts of the world.

In case you feel confident enough to run this business, hit us up via Start with your own studio on Voyeur House TV page

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Find me some people in Germany and I am ready to help you setting everything up :stuck_out_tongue:

If you can’t to find people jab, you can always open flats with pets, there’s a chance zoophiles would buy subscription :rofl:

Maybe I can find a few spiders in my basement :joy: :joy:

For sure that would bring more numerous audience than Ken :grin:

Or Candy Red :joy: :joy:

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Candy Red, as far as I know, worked in her country and in my country.

if you are interessed, i can find a couple in paris who will accept to be in front cameras for good money

Я думаю что в каждой стране свое понятие хорошие деньги.

seeing English speakers would be nice, but i do enjoy hearing Russian