Mystery rooms in apartments

Hidden rooms or rooms that are not on realm maps.

There are quite a few unidentified doors that could lead to another dimension in VHTV space or could simply be a broom cupboard, but I thought it would be fun just to list them here.

Black & Peace

View from cam 11. They get dressed before they entered this place.


@Bella_Leo Can you clear the mystery? Does it lead to Narnia or some fourth dimension? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :heart:

Mira & Henry

The biggest mystery of them all. The long fab__d hidden room and there have been various theories into this phenonium of people supposedly walking into a wall from the front room. You can clearly see it here in the Twitter video of mira dancing and there is a sliding door.

Where does it lead to? The Mystery continues. room 4

Should Henry finally come clean and reveal the mystery room? :slight_smile:

Does anyone know of any more?

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He actually posted a pic of it last year. Average storage room with chairs and stuff in it…

You poo-pooed the mystery element :laughing:

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My guess is loggia / patio on left, To the right maybe storage room or elevator?

I would say one of it toilet, other closet for storing clothes…

Sort of makes sense the other way round, but with the front door opposite cam 10 I wouldn’t think there would be a separate entrance to the elevator and I know Bella is a liberated woman but I think even she wouldn’t go through the door on the left in the nude. :laughing: :laughing:

So why would they put their clothes on to go to a closet or toilet and also go there together? :slight_smile:

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In many places people go to toilet together… What they do there? No idea…

Ah yes. So the other way round maybe storage room / pantry and the other door balcony.

And space for at least 3 naked persons be there hidden for more then 10 minutes, besides all the other times that people disappear mysteriously there. Other places were f___ed to put cams

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Big hidden room in bedroom from Realm91 where many people can hide. Surely it will be a closet and they were testing new clothes :grin:

Yes the room is not full there is definitely space for people in there…

Well there is an actual door there:

As it is next to bathroom my guess it there is facility room (Maybe heating and some technical stuff) Most likely also storage room.

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I have noticed mystery rooms tend to be a loggia like in Savanna & Troy realm, a storage room or a toilet. It is not uncommon for realms to have the toilet in a separate room from the bathtub and sink. I guess that is a common european thing?? :thinking: It doesn’t seem super sanitary to have a toilet in a room without a place to wash your hands but I guess that’s not my problems… :fearful:

Guess it may depend on the size of the houses… Considering the normal places at VH, here were i live isn’t normal at all to have a room just for the toilet. Still normally from the places i know it’s not a space with the toilet, also have a sink

And yes, i don’t consider toilets like mystery rooms … :grin:

Don’t tell that to the pee and poop fans LMAO :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well I want to know…. is it ok to have mystery rooms according to vhtv…. as they can do anything there…:thinking:

I would say yes if they are listed in the realm maps which they are in a lot of realms. Also the mystery rooms are where all the hot cheating action happens. :rofl:

Yea…. they are making movies there….:rofl::rofl:

Here We Go Again GIF