Musical Apartments

Instead of Musical Chairs, let’s play Musical Apartments - Nekohey is now Amilee, Connor and Wynona have now taken up residence at the Lust House in what was Jaz’s bedroom, Ken’s bedroom is now a Guest Bedroom, Koon and Wendy and Marica have taken over Mira and Henry’s place, Mira and Henry are floating around among the apartments they manage, Kristina is now Alya, but apparently wants to go out for her pleasure instead of entertaining us - now where did Jaz and Ken go?? And will Alana and Airik stay at the Lust House along with Wayne, or are they really relocating somewhere else??? Have I missed anyone???

Sorry to hear that Jaz left the project - I was really looking forward to a lot of wild times with her - Ken, however, I’m not surprised.