
Must admit have never been up one and wouldn’t volunteer now :laughing:

OMG!!! The cat’s awake!!!
:laughing: :laughing:

hello, today we have a romantic evening with Edrim. We invite you to spend it with us in our bedroom


Hopefully not so many will come, otherwise it will be quite a scramble… :sweat_smile: :joy: :joy: :heart:

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Montana has my favorite pussy on VHTV…perfect


Do you mean Lucifer or Boomer? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

I had the little kitten they passed onto Pasha and Arina, in mind! My favourite was that cute little ginger and white one, I think that was the one they kept in the end.

My favorite is Lucifer. She’s really cute. :heart: :heart: :heart:

But I don’t even know… Lucifer is Roza’s cat. Do her Boomer belong too, or is that Montanas?

Junes cats were super cute :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes_cat:


Oh yes, definitely. I used to spend quite a lot of time watching that sweet little black one…well when I wasn’t watching Jarro, that is! :laughing:

Boomer is Edrym and Roza’s


lovely white underwear :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:


@David do you think Edrym is trying to copy the girls. :thinking:

He can try I suppose but the view will always be very different. :slight_smile:

Yeah I will always stick to looking at the girls, for me the view is many times better. :wink:

Naturally, I would go in the other direction. No offence to the 3 young ladies of the house though.

Surprise surprise :laughing:
