
:heart: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :heart:

Fixed for you :hugs:

B___dy hell, english lessons from a scot :crazy_face: Whatever next :laughing:

Believe it or not but we got English at school up here :joy: :joy:

Supporting England at the World Cup? :thinking: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

I draw the line there mate, I’m a Scotland fan only with a bit of Iranian, American & Welsh thrown in :scotland: :iran: :us: :wales: :rofl: :rofl:

The dog:

“I am sure my Daddy (Edrym of course) was under here earlier. Where has he gone”?!!

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Well, i can definitely say you are NOT a Glory Supporter :wink: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Was going to ask if Scotland were at the world cup his year but better not pour grief onto grief eh :laughing:

Nah we’re against all the rules over there, we didn’t really try to qualify :roll_eyes: :wink:

This just reminded me of your words earlier on a diff Topic:

"I’ve never heard such a bollocks of an excuse in my life" :thinking: :thinking: :joy: :joy:

That fits quite well eh :rofl: :rofl:

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I’ll believe you pal but 1000’s wouldn’t, can’t think why though :laughing:

That’s what she said :wink: :wink: :hugs:

Ahh you can only dream :joy:

There is an emoji used in Chaturbate (yes I go there sometimes) which consist of 2 girls wearing pigtails and coloured ribbons on them, hitting each other with handbags. The above exchanges reminded me of this! :laughing:

Nah more like this :rofl: mean girls lunch GIF

Yep, that’s the more dramatic version, for sure!!!

Shhh, don’t mention the forbidden word starting with D… the forum police might be nearby watching us :thinking: :thinking: :joy: :joy:

Did you not used to be a deputy? :thinking: :wink: :rofl: