Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Will Palmer still be welcomed after this?

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Palmer didn’t get anywhere with Marica. He was back in the bedroom later hugging the bedpig.

Only halfway @jabbath1987 320 posts. I’m very disappointed :frowning: :joy::joy::joy:

You’re like a broken record, I bet you had a good read though! :laughing:

Congratulations. When is Mirra’s Birthday? (By the way, tell Mirra she looks great in that dress :heart_eyes: )

Whatever conversation they are having is going and going… obviously not sexual in nature…


Happy belated Birthday Henry, hope you had a blast

Actually no. I generally skip the usual suspects s__t as it’s illegible at best and just stupid hearsay at worst. Funny how they say the same bulls__t over and over, yet I’m the broken record :joy::joy::joy:

They are just normal people after all. Just because they are swingers, doesn’t mean they are obsessed with sex.

Palmer wakes up and has to contribute, what a joke…

Palmer “The Drone” is droning on and on and on and on. It’s daylight for pete’s sake.


My favourite shot of the night.

Marica has never done more than make with out wit him, so it wasn’t a surprise he got nowhere But he needs to stop passing out at H&M, not the first time, and interfering in, a conversation with friends when he woke up shows lack of self awareness

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Потому что у нас всего 2 ключа , один у Кости ,другой у Теджо. Нужно сделать дубликаты ,но ниукого нет времени пока что :smile::smile:


Snoopy going for his daily walk.

it does not matter if they go ,they are not the best here

Hallo Henry ,wenn Mira mit dem Hund und Einkaufen ist ,könntest du doch mal die Wohnung aufräumen anstatt am Computer zu Spielen. Es war schließlich deine Party! Könntest auch Palmer anrufen der kann dir dabei helfen.

Come on stay realistic :rofl: :rofl:

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Viva in a pile night before last.


I’m here for the gangbang lol