Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Everyone technically gets laid tonight. Henry fucks mira, mikl fucks his two ladies, and indira fucks kostja

For a moment I thought I was an hour behind the world then saw the dates.

What about Tejo?

Or are Kostja and Indira spending the night at M&H?

They have better bedsheets. LOL

He might have smelled the pussy fumes, and tracked it over there.

Monopoly doesn’t take this long

He was up all night on his mobile.

Holy Smokes Indira’s got bank. And Mira keeps paying… :rofl:

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be nice if there was a button you could push and a voice would say put up the damn game

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This goes to show you that Indira knows when to work hard and when to play hard. The wand thing during a previous orgy was all work. Tonight’s monopoly is all play

Marica, kostja, and mikl want it to end

guess there is no way to win and end this boring game

I can’t take monopoly either I’m going to bed to good night everyone

Finally, can’t believe it.

Tejo will be disappointed, if Indira and Kostja stay at M&H

what happened?

M&M are going home as is kostja and indira

Truthfully, what a wasted evening… sad

Seriously tonight’s entertainment was kostja of all people fingering marica to an organism

From a certain perspective, sure it was a waist. The voyeur programs, there are several of them besides VHTV that work on the concept that the apartment tenants are ordinary people are leading their own private lives and that we the audience get to peak into those lives. And some apartments are exactly that way. The difference with the H&M playbook is that they are into swinging. The first years, HM did not have an orgy in their apartment every day. Sometimes weeks went by totally dry. Then H&M expanded their circle. Now they have their own gang spread across several apartments. Do notice that it is not too often that there is an orgy at T&S. The viewers of this H&M gang have come to expect a fucking party every day. Many of the people in the apartments have their lives, but in view of the cameras. Yet the followers of the HM gang have come to expect sexual circus performers where they commit to have a show daily at given hours while the circus is in town. All the women would fuck all the guys indiscriminately the moment any guys demands it. When not being fucked, they spend all their time playing with other women and with their sex toys. And most importantly, they are horny all the time. always ready for more. They really want it hard and big.

You are wrong. Indira and Kostya - have tests. Problem that Indira was flirting with some other man (who is not in project) - and Kostya already imagined that she would fuck him. Indira said that it was just game, flirting, party and she not going to fuck with him.

Tune in next time when they play the game of “Life”