Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Poor Mira i wanna climb through my screen and help her out

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She doesn’t mind as long as she gets to kiss the “other woman’s” ass

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A little un brother sister action lol

Don’t forget, she was on her period meanwile.

I think she’s torn between two intersts.

On one hand she doesn’t want to hurt Kostja, and he plays the winy wimp, and she starts beeing the ready to keep the relationship going partner who then puts her own interests behind.

On the other hand I think, but that’s only my opinion, that the day is not far away, that she gets so horny, that she just can’t help it, and rams a couple dicks like Tejo Mikl and Henry in one night, that keeps her satisfied for a while, and she’s not gonna give s__t if Kostja is crying the whole way home.

And to my opinion he has no reason to.

And now gimme some facepalms. :rofl:

Not that I miss it but does anyone knows whatever happened to that BirdCage Swinging Chair ?

Almost 5am, another late night

Thought I’d give you one for fun! :laughing:

you’re so kind :joy:

Mira needs batteries.

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Nah, I don’t think Kostja is related to anyone here.


Don’t know why I even come by this stream.Pretty boy going nite nite.

I’m being sarcastic, marica and kostja have been friends for years, they act like brother sister most of the time

It may even be today/night. It’s not over till it’s over

can someone run against that table…accidently… to put this game to an end?

Indira is good in that, like when she ran the vaporizer over at STIK and still got her burn-mark on the right thigh, or did Troy do that on purpose, like in the middle-ages?

YesI know. :laughing:

Did Jirina sing yet?

No, and it ain’t over till the .big…lady sings. :rofl:

Mira is reaching operating-temperature soon.

At least Mira seems to be keeping her pussy happy

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they drop the ball when Kostja was playing and Mira was playing and they just sit there and get things going

This game is worse than Palmer LOL