Mira & Henry (Part 1)

De oude baas is een nacht door gegaan, dan is hem wel aan te zien :rofl: :joy: :tumbler_glass: :tropical______: :clinking_glasses:

My guess, the next few parties, he has to keep it in his pants

My guess : parties with new faces, even if it is for one time. And new faces not as the girls two nights ago

Troyā€™s girls were too much for Miraā€™s liking

I think Henry is grounded for the night and canā€™t seenhis friends tonight

Well Marica got her moneyā€™s worth. She got off like crazy with Henry. Super good.


Mikl never gets her off like that

Mira has left since a while, hasnā€™t she ?

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No, she hasnā€™t.

When Mira was watching VH when Henry was with Marica, it seems to me that she was focusing on what Henry SAID to Marica.

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Is Mira prepping for a party? She is making some nifty stuff in the kitchen. Something with caviar.

We spoke about place where Indira prefer to s___p, in our bedroom or in her place, Kostja wanna to stay and play poker more. Tejo was joke about our 2-place bed and her 2 levels bed. At the end she decide to lay at our bedroom and stand up


Thank you for confirming it Henry and I hope that will put an end to people guessing about your life and making up their own fantasies. :+1: :wink:


Look Iā€™m a big fan of yours but in silence. Kisses from Spain

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It will never stop because people here are insane.

It should be foresome with Mira, but she came home later than we were planned

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I wish for the same too, but you know some of these people will continue to believe what they want to believe no matter what the truth is.

Some of these people only want to make up and believe drama. There were people yesterday convinced that the both of you were on the verge of breaking up. smdh

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They seem to be working things out.

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You probably donā€™t know that my observation and comments of this event was in response to anotherā€™s posters question (concern?), and since I am in great admiration for you dogged pursuit of truth and justice, so maybe you can tell us why some fair minded people should not have been concerned that something unsavory has happened to make Indira who always moves with beautiful poise and grace, to uncharistically get up quickly (jump up, some may say?), brush off an attempt to be stopped and leave the room in a hurry, and appearing unhappy, as a result of what looked like to some viewers, as someoneā€™s inappropriate activity. ( Since we donā€™t all speak Russian we have only to go by what we see.)

I am glad that we now have an alternative explanation of the event and I hope that you will agree that at the time the event was happening there was good reasons for fair minded viewers that donā€™t see thing the way you do, to question and be concerned of what was going on.

You of cause can say and think whatever you want. And if you want to call me a liar or a hater and how much you hate lies, or pursue your own fantasies, go ahead. And If you want me to stop saying something you donā€™t like or agree with, please let me know. I will take it very seriously into consideration. But just in case donā€™t hold your breath.

Because she isnā€™t a fucking c___d and doesnā€™t need saving. She also wasnā€™t in an unfamiliar place alone. She was with Kostja amongst a close group of friends.