Mira & Henry (Part 1)

she is not Happy!

Op een of andere manier vertrouwd ze Henry niet. en dit noemen ze daar een vrije relatie :thinking:

and she is Chain smoking those cigarettes in disgust

mira watching last nights performance. think there might be trouble ahead

now she is reading all the comments about it on her phone

Well there is I&K hugging and touching as usual . Looks like we are going to have to cut their pay.

Mocht het echt uitlopen op een breuk, zal dit een forse aderlating zijn voor VHTV.

Henry’s treatment last night of Mira although they were arguing ,taking back Marcia was totally wrong all he was interested was how much sex can i have with Marcia before i get caught.

IMO iam totally disgusted by both Henry and Marcia

I think Henry was _____ last night, but it is not an excuse. He did wrong

Didn’t he think she’d find everything out

Cameras dont lie… the evidence is all there

We are all loving Mira and we regret to see her sad


sounds like they are both in bathroom… can barely hear

henry dont give a s__t about anyone all about him

All you people are out of your fucking minds.

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They are in the bathroom and from what I can hear no one is upset and there is a lot of kissing and heavy breathing. Maybe last night’s footage was a turn on for Mira instead of upsetting her.

I thought marica was smarter than this, i know she loves his cock, but she should have said no to going to his place

Now I can hear a vibrator being used intermittently in the bathroom lol

henry just trying to kiss and make up

Passionate kissing as well, it does make me laugh when people get so worked up on here and perceive something in their own minds, still, I can sort of understand it as some people always turn to negative thinking first. :laughing: :laughing:

They are a lot stronger together and have been through a lot worse in the past.